Flarum was designed by morons

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Quote

    @Telesphoreo#244 it does but it's not preinstalled

    Hence why I said "out of the box".


    @Telesphoreo#244 you're not the one setting up the forum so idk why you're complaining

    I'm complaining because I am a user of this forum. A user of the forum has as much of a right to complain as the people running it in the first place.


    @Telesphoreo#244 id love to see you build forum software and prove the morons at flarum that you can do better

    I don't have to. There are a bunch of other options for forum software that I could use which aren't Flarum.


  • why are you complaining about the government's covid-19 response, i dont see you running a government

    why are you complaining about the lack of free healthcare i dont see you starting a welfare state

    what a fucking silly arguement

    ont: yeah i get its not very well made but its pretty new given its been like a day so id just wait personally before i judge the forum - remember this had to be made from scratch


  • People seem to forget that Flarum is still in beta. I am sure when there is a stable release, it will include all of the features that it currently lacks. As for now, we are stuck using this until a new owner decides where we will go (hopefully Proboards or Discourse).

  • @videogamesm12#248 We are currently using Flarum because it was the last forum software that we were on, making it the official TF forum. Flarum was chosen after a lot of people expressed their discontent with MyBB. I assume the choice was influenced by the Telesphoreo's Flarum forum he made in protest of MyBB.

  • Flarum, at its core, is not supposed to be feature packed like other forum softwares. Features that are not needed to run a forum are omitted (a forum doesn't need private messaging to run, but the people need the ability to post).

    Personally, I like the fact that everything is an extension, because you can choose exactly what features run on your forum. Sure, on other forum softwares there you can disable certain features but those features don't magically disappear and they still take up precious storage space on your server. Flarum allows you to remove those features completely so they don't take up unnecessary space.

    Flarum is more of a "Do It Yourself" type of forum.

  • @anthony#265 Normally I'm against doing absolutely everything yourself because its often applied to the most nonsensical things. Personally, the whole point of a forum is to make it your own and tailor it to what the community needs. Flarum excels at that. All ProBoards forums look pretty much the same but the variety you can get for a Flarum forum is definitely possible and has been done.

    in conclusion shut up caleb no one cares about your opinion

  • Flarum isn't intended to include the features you're flaunting because of the importance of removing bloat from packaged software. Calling people moronic or idiotic because they don't subscribe to the same mindset as you is toxic, just as insulting an entire team of people (who've put time, money, and effort into the project) without understanding what you're talking about discredits your character.

  • I must confess that personally I'm not a fan of it, it doesn't feel anywhere near done, and while it's okay for free opensource software, I personally think there are a number of much better and more mature products out there like Discourse which is rather similar.

    When it comes to forums my personal preference tends to be WoltLab now, it was always very similar to Xenforo but was substantially cheaper (Not sure if it's still the case) but yeah, I'm not a fan of software that requires you to go to the trouble of adding 200 add-on modules for basic functionality, and many of those add-on modules not being reliably supported by anyone other than random community members, which for a lot of the "core" functionality here it seems to be from what I've seen...


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • @hapi#422 Yes there was a poll, but it was taking too long for the forum to be restored, so Wild made this one. Another reason we are on Flarum right now is because it is technically the official forum for TotalFreedom.