If you have AC on, then when you run /o it talks in normal chat

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  • If you put "/o message here" it'll send something in admin chat. When you run /o it'll toggle admin chat. Everyone knows this.

    However, it's a bit annoying when you've got adminchat toggled (I do it personally to avoid leaking info to main chat) and the only way you can talk in main chat is either toggling adminchat off, using /me or even using /say.

    Can we change it, if it's possible to, so that when you run /o and have a message in the command, that it goes to main chat?

  • This was historically intentional behaviour. As some admins preferred to speak in admin chat by default and by exception in public chat. Though it probably needs to be more obvious if it's toggled or not to make that less likely to get confused / muddled.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • I get the idea behind this.. but I'd rather there not be the risk of forgetting you had /o enabled and type something like "/o his IP is:" etc. Would rather have it stick to admin chat for safety.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.