Re-enable written books.

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      CoolestGuy94 Instead, this screen appears.

    This is a feature of @"videogamesm12"#4's WNT mod. It's not vanilla at all, and servers can't prompt for this kind of screen anyways. Not every admin is going to have his mod installed.

    I don't know the exact reason for books being disabled in TFM, but I have a few ideas and responses to those theoretical reasons.

    Written Books were disabled to counteract NBT-banning: If so, that's quite honestly the stupidest patch I've ever seen in my life. Not only is that incredibly easy to bypass using hotbars or the Set Creative Slot packet, Written Books aren't even the root of the issue. Items, in Minecraft, can hold any NBT. You can give an item whatever tag you want, and the game will think it's correct. Now, that's a bit of an issue, because that means you can write a simple program to put thousands of characters of large Chinese unicode text, under a unique key (which Minecraft will just accept). I've been able to ban people on servers like Kaboom with a piece of paper with the only tag being a long Chinese name.

    Written Books were disabled to counteract ClickEvent abuse: This is the most probable & sane reason for disabling. If so, I don't believe this really fixes the problem. It's like a doctor diagnosing you with Athlete's foot and then proceeding to cut off both your legs and one of your hands. I mean, sure, you'll no longer have Athlete's foot but you'll be in some sort of mobility device for the rest of your life. I believe we should disable run_command click events in Written Books (and by extension Lecterns with Written Books in them) in Scissors, as a configurable option.

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      Allink I believe we should disable run_command click events in Written Books (and by extension Lecterns with Written Books in them) in Scissors, as a configurable option.

    I think a plugin or scissors itself could just strip run_command from books if needed


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      Deauthorized scissors itself

    This is why I mentioned maybe putting it in Scissors...


      Deauthorized a plugin

    This has been tried many times in TFM and I haven't seen any amount of success come from it. The matter of the fact is you'd have to rewrite the book to remove the click event. That's something I believe is best done in Scissors.

    Patching exploits in plugins can only go so far. You see it with Extras and you see it with TFM. At the end of the day, Scissors beats them all.

  • wild1145 September 18, 2022 at 12:42 AM

    Closed the thread.