What is your Minecraft IGN?
What is your discord name and discriminator (name#0000)
What date did you register on the forums? (minimum 15 days required)
-I can't really even remember when but most definitely for more then 15 days (Probably 6-7 months?)
What is your timezone?
Will you be willing to assist the ECM in the hosting of events and how frequently
-absolutely! I have more then enough free time on my hands and would love to be able to help out any time of the week!
Do you have any experience hosting events?
-absolutely, I was admin on quite a few servers in the past and it was sort of my thing to host fun small events like spleef, king of the hill, survival games and many other fun events. On TF I've tried holding little unofficial mini-events like the such, and they all generally went great!
Why do you want to be an Event Host?
-I currently hold the admin post on TF1 and I'd like to make TF a more fun place then it already is. I feel like there hasn't been a lot of action towards other event hosts hosting more events, and I feel I have a great capability to deliver on that front. On top of this, I believe a surge in event's held could raise the player base in a significant manner, which would benefit the entirety of the network and allow for good PR. Should I be granted this position, I think I could make a change that could really improve the morale of our community. I thank you for your consideration, and hopefully will see you in a server wide event some day having a lot of fun! ;>