7 mages chapter 3 - the final

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  • To begin we have to get background info on everything.

    It's important to remember that these groups represent two very different ideologies and that cohabitation or cooperation wasn't tangible in the long run. While they both strived for the total deconstruction of the imperialist Roman state and all its power structures, they vastly differed in their opinions on what the Romans really did for them. You could say that the excellentgamer1 Democratic Party of qadar town was much more aware of the positive effects the Romans had on the qadar region. Don't be mistaken though, the truly hated the Romans. I mean, they didn't just hate them like everyone else, they hated them a lot. So despite their recognition of Roman improvements, they were still actively sabotaging the Roman government.

    That being said, the excellentgamer1 Democratic Party of qadar town explicitly recognized Roman improvements in various areas. One prime example were the aquaducts and sanitation. Unlike most members of the atlas society, the leader of the excellentgamer1 Democratic Party of qadar town clearly remembered what the city used to be like before the Romans came into power, suffice it to say that he never wavered on this particular point. It didn't stop there though, the roads go without saying, but there were many more Roman improvements that were actively recognized as such by the excellentgamer1 Democratic Party of qadar town. They were also very vocal and positive about the Totalfreedom city wine, medicine, public health and irrigation. Most of all, they recognized the fact that the Roman military was probably one of the only known organizations capable of maintaining public order in a place like that. However, despite all of this, they still hated the Romans a lot and often raised the question as to what the Romans had ever done for them.

    In contrast, the atlas society never even acknowledged these improvements and they were a lot more linear in their thinking. To them anything Roman was despicable. Both ideologies were very uncompromising and this ultimatly led to the split between both parties. You could say that the excellentgamer1 Democratic Party of qadar town was a lot less radical in their ideology, even though their actions say otherwise.

    The excellentgamer1 Democratic Party of qadar town and the atlas society both had their origin in the atlas media peace organization, which later became complacent with working within the Roman provincial system for incremental gains, forgetting its revolutionary origins.

    The excellentgamer1 Democratic Party of qadar town and atlas society began in the left faction of the atlas media peace organization. Soon, this faction began agitation for armed resistance, while the party's dominant faction claimed that revolutionary conditions had not yet been met. The left faction split off from the party, denouncing the remaining atlas media peace organization as fascists. However, not a few years later, internal divisions emerged in the excellentgamer1 extremist left wing underground society, laying the groundwork for the future split into the excellentgamer1 Democratic Party of qadar town and the atlas society.

    Those in what would become the excellentgamer1 Democratic Party of qadar town argued that the revolutionary class would be the proletarii, those with little to no property, allied with the local peasants of qadar town. The excellentgamer1 Democratic Party of qadar town advanced the view that the material conditions of these classes necessitated their eventual action against the atlas media provincial order, whereas the mycenaean peasant class represented more reactionary interests. Meanwhile, the atlas society argued that as qadar town lacked the urbanization of total freedom city, the excellentgamer1 Democratic Party of qadar town's revolutionary theory had to be adapted to the real material conditions of the province. The atlas society thus focused on the radicalization of the local qadar peasant class, though debate over the extent of their inclusion of wealthier peasants remains heated, especially in consideration of accusations of some of their leaders' links to Basil I secret underground mafia society.

    The atlas society further split between the main party and the atlas freedom society in 12 AD. Another faction split into the Basil I working class authoritarian Jerusalem canonisation revival party, disagreeing with the main party's stance against religion, arguing that the atlas religion was a traditionally imperialized religion, separate from the traditionally imperialist religion of the ancient greeks of atlas media city, and that it was thus racist to denounce it, taking criticisms of the religion as criticisms of the imperialized people who followed it. The Basil I working class authoritarian Jerusalem canonisation revival party allied with the Zealots and eventually blended into their movement. The Basil I working class authoritarian Jerusalem canonisation revival party was further alienated from the rest of the movement when a member of the atlas freedom society assasinated Pope Julius VIX when he ingested 700 ounces of a secret liquid which has been lost to time so we do not know what it is.

    Meanwhile, the excellentgamer1 Democratic Party of qadar town experienced its own schism, as a small faction split off into the righteous charlemagne barbarians, claiming to follow the revolutionary theory of Pope Joan. At first glance, this appears to be an anachronism, given that Pope Joan was not born until some 3 and a half centuries later, but the historical record is unimpeachable here and so we are left with some competing theories to explain this revolutionary development.

    I have now explained the source of all the feuds between the underground secret societies which were plaguing chapter 2.

    as we continue from chapter 2 we discover that pope John Paul XXII invented uranium after charlemagne invaded the eastern roman empire in an attempt to settle the feud between the excellentgamer1 Democratic Party of qadar town and the underground atlas society which was attempting to depose pope Julius II of south france. Emperor Nero ordered the slaughter of 800 innocent Carthage peasants after the coloseum was destroyed by local Vatican peasants after charlemagne invaded empress eirene to discover how to destroy the Kremlin because kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated because the German people had discovered his affair with the local women of the forgery office in downtown Montpellier after the murder drones invaded qadar town. it was almost over…. qadar town was sacked by pagans of the 17 barbarian tribes of Ancient Rome…. we have a new villain rise up from the ashes of the phoenix… Galahad 'the Great' rises from the ashes of total freedom city and commands an army with Hannibal and pope Linus into the eastern hemisphere in a plan to imprison and capture emperor Nero when he was attacking the tribe of Basil II when he ratified the 6th law of humankind which allowed the peasants of atlas city to recognise iconoclasm as its original faith but they refused to hand over the sacrament which they believe was holy.. Galahad invaded saladin and with the teutonic state he conquered all of Europe and rebuilt the west.. when he became strong enough he launched a full scale invasion of the teutonic state (his allies) and took on 2.6 million men when he himself had only 200000. he did this by manipulating empero Nero into sending 500000 men to his aid and then conquering the title of the ottoman empire when pope Linus declared the 3rd crusade for the kingdom of Mali when the people of South African revolted against empress eirene for not waging war on the christians of the Jerusalem. when the murder drones arrived excellent gamer1 called on the headless horseman for the second time and recognized that everyone thought it was the second coming…. Pompey went to the Italian peninsula and occupied Rome and captured Julius Caesar and Brutus and ransomed them for the release of the 'big 5' which were charlemagne, emperor Nero, Augustus, ulysses and Otto I… unfortunately Galahad had to accept or the eternal city would be sacked… the teutonic state took over qadar town and Galahad the great fell to grandmaster Heinrich Walpot von Bassenheim. with the teutonic state holding all of Europe… it was only a matter of time before Nero reinstated power and declared war for the west to rise again..

    BUT OUT OF NOWEHRE…. Pope Julius IV declared a war on the mongol empire after wan hu (the real Genghis khan) endorsed iconoclasm in the state of imperialist Egypt. he was outraged after saladin was brought back by wan hu after he cancelled the marriage plans for empress eirene and temujin… wan hu was now in a full scale war with the teutonic state, the entire of Europe, all of Scandinavia and emperor Nero… but there was a very big affair in the temple of Jupiter after Heinrich Walpot von Bassenheim had declared 2 punic wars on the emperor of Carthage after Tutankhamen had destroyed all relics belonging to emperor Nero after Commodus declared the 6th crusade of the hellenic faith on Galahad the great. he built a large colony in Constantinople after the 7th amendment was ratified by John Paul XII in 4530 BC.. the hellenic faith is in a schism with Eastern Orthodoxy after tsar Nicholas II sent German troops to march on French soil under grandmaster Heinrich Walpot von Bassenheim orders. A truce was broken which ends the golden age after there was a battle between 2 city states which ended the golden age of painting when the anglo saxons took Michelangelo to the sistine chapel and rebuilt the great city of Atlantis after plato and socrates came back to write a masterpiece under the name of "homer" this is why nobody know who is the official writer of the Iliad and odyssey… when Julius III came to power in south Scandinavia he conquered and created the famous phrase 'veni vidi vici' but the Mongolic tribes of the steppe had revolted against wan hu which nullified the war of the century when wan hu was deposed and the 4th anglo Saxon reich had destroyed majority of charlemagnes empire and the carolinigan dynasty was shattered with only 1 remaining member left… matscalle. he was claimed to be dead in the chapel of St Ryan of Jerusalem but there was only one way to find out.. the redemption was on the rescue after there was blood spilled in Atlantis.. they had made platos cave a large super power in the middle east when the Persian empire was revived the humanists from west Italy after they had been mocked by Erasmus after Martin Luther had established peace over the lands of Persia for the 8th time after the 2nd emperor of Carthage Hasdrubal had destroyed majority of Tunisia when the 2nd coming came… the headless horseman had invaded north in a phalanx from the 2nd roman army of Constantinople.. Baghdad had become an independent city state and Sparta had invaded all of Athens and won… Greece was unstoppable and had coordinated the fall of the eastern roman emperor after ailing emperor Nero lost his last battle and war to grandmaster Heinrich Walpot von Bassenheim of the teutonic state had invaded the eastern Roman Empire and dismantled it and taken majority of the western parts such as Bulgaria and Epirus… Hamilcar I invaded east in a strong phalanx using the false gap which was used by Alexander the Great many centuries ago in the Bronze Age.. the Middle Ages raised and a new papal conclave elected pope John LXI took power of the Papal States and excoummincated the last doge of Venice after Frank Bayard had elected that the medicis eridacte the Orsini family. it was now time… emperor Nero abdicated and Leonidas of Sparta had come to power to rebuild alexanders empire after several centuries after it fell.. St Basil asks what's this bull of excommunication when Leonidas comes to the hippodrome sight he sees something unspeakable….

    the patriarch of orthodoxy is scheming with the barbarians to invade the teutonic order and to bring back gaul.

    to be continued……………..