Senior Admin Application - Erin

  • What is your Minecraft name and time zone where you normally are online? (e.g. GMT+1:00 or MST). Your Minecraft name must match your forum name or your Minecraft name must be in your forum profile.

    shehxlk - BST (UTC +1)

    Do you have a Discord account? If so, post your username#discriminator here.


    What date were you appointed to Admin? At least 12 months of active participation must have passed since your initial promotion date.

    June 2 2021

    Unlike Admin, Senior Admin is primarily a leadership position and you must be able to lead other admins in a mature manner and be a responsible representative of Total Freedom. Provide a paragraph of your accomplishments and why you think you’d made a good Senior Admin.

    During my time as admin, I've developed confidence, critical thinking and leadership skills as I've learned on the job and used the experience I've gained by participating in the community to further my efforts to make it a safer and more enjoyable place for those of us within here. This includes helping out the community in any way I can - in October I was appointed as assistant admin officer, a position I still hold to this day, which helped me broaden my skills of leadership, working with others alongside me and making decisions which were often difficult to make. I've also been entrusted with reviewing not only admin applications but also the hub moderator applications - something which has tested my critical thinking abilities when it comes to weighing up arguments either side, with as little bias as possible.

    All in all, I've given a lot to this community in my time here and I feel I've sufficiently proven myself to be capable.

    How often will you be able to perform administrative duties? (Including the server, forum, and Discord). State either daily, several times a week, once or twice a week, or less than once a week.

    I have a daily presence on the discord and forum, and I'm able to get in-game several times a week.

    Names of Senior Admins who have recommended you. You are required to have at least 1 recommendation.

    @"Ryan"#1 @"RedEastWood"#47 @"Luke"#19

    Have you read and understood the note below? (Yes or no).


    Note: If someone asks you a direct question, you should reply. If someone objects and give reasons that you believe are incorrect, you may reply to state why you believe the reasons are incorrect; do not rage or get dramatic - just state facts and do not reply more than once; no debates.

    Note from me: this has been edited right after posting to fix up some of the markup.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • Vouch and recommendation.

    • As an admin, despite just celebrating her first anniversary, Erin has proven to be one hell of a hard worker with a dedication that probably rivals my own. Over the course of her time as an admin, she has become more confident in herself in her duties despite the speedbumps along the way.

    • As the AEAO, her hard-working traits have clearly carried over alongside her integrity and leadership skills as well. Apparently at some point during the investigation of what got kanst initially suspended, there was some confusion over some messages sent around the same time that led the people investigating the case to believe I engaged in it too. There were subsequent talks of sanctioning me that she participated in, though once I cleared things up by providing some additional context the issue was mostly resolved (I still got blasted for not stepping in and to be fair, that was definitely my fault). Still, the fact that she was quite literally willing to sanction her own boss Luke-style in order to do what's right speaks of incredible amounts of integrity. Having come from an era of widespread corruption in the ranks, I was overwhelmingly pleased to learn about this, and quite frankly I still am.

    TL;DR - Excellent admin, excellent assistant. I'm very proud of her and how far she's come, and I hope that as a Senior she will be able to do her AEAO duties to the fullest extent. Full disclosure: the factors I noted above are ones that have led me to (on multiple occasions) genuinely contemplate on having her succeed me in the event I have to retire.


  • Vouch. Extremely reliable, able to keep a level head during stress which is pretty hard to with all the responsibilities she has. She takes no sides, always tries to do whats best for the community, and to that I say being a senior admin will give this server nothing but a better future

    ketchup aX0Qxn3.png

  • Object I hate erin she is the worst

    Vouch, Erin has always shown herself to be reliable and determined to fulfill her role, she's always been a hard worker on TF and has displayed great levels of integrity.

    A fool's fool fools fools who foolishly accept the foolishness of a fool's fool.

  • i've never placed a rec on someone in such a faithful way as i have with erin. was on pure gut instinct and was one of the two initial people that did so. if i was still senior i'd have recced her again (and i did, way before she applied) as shes demonstrated time and time again great administrative qualities for a lack of better words. fuck idk this is just a huge vouch

    speaking of vouches. i've had to moderate a few for not following this fucking shit

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • Vouch & Rec Confirmed - Erin has been an excellent admin and member of the community, and I think she will do well as a senior admin as well.


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