Pruning members monthly

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Hey everyone.

    Our discord server has 800 members, but many of these would be inactive. I know we're not a big gaming server and I know Discord is one of the platforms for our community, however I feel that it's important to focus on retention in various platforms and not limit it to Minecraft.

    Pruning will just mean anyone that's inactive will be kicked, even if there's a big drop in members the people can rejoin the server easily.

    EDIT: This suggestion is for pruning members that haven't spoken in 30 days.

  • we have manual verification. those who want to rejoin will have to wait which may take ages given discord mods have real lives. i also suspect it’ll lead to a lot of raiders joining under false igns slipping through when they get the chance


  • This is the second suggestion that I am just gonna ask.
    Why? What are the benefits of it? If someone will be inactive a bit (or more), he won't harm the server by doing that, so why kick him out?

  • Pruning members on a discord server is mainly utilised by discord only communities that want to maximise engagement figures - they don't want to have lots of inactive accounts sitting that make the server appear dead when they're trying to grow.

    I think we need to take a step back and realise that we are not that kind of community. We are a Minecraft server with almost 12 years of history to look back on. On plenty of occasions we have people show up and return who haven't been around in months or years, and pruning our discord will just mean we aren't in their server list and they won't remember us again. We'll lose out.

    And a more pressing issue is that our discord is not public - I don't think the disboard bot has worked for ages so we've been off that - a link is only available either from a member in the discord or in game, and we have manual verification that is rather strict so even if disboard brought someone they might not get in.

    So.. if we pruned members, we would lose members. Sure, the inactive ones, but we'd also lose out on that player who stopped playing months ago, and now won't remember us again when they go through their discord servers, because we booted them out. And the only way for them to join our discord is to join the server, which they won't do because they didn't remember us since we booted them from our discord. I see no upside, either.

    You're trying to sell a bicycle to a fish here.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   taah It’s much more than that to a lot of us. I would give anything to be rid of this server. Genuinely, anything. But I keep coming back because it was a fundamental part of my childhood, regardless of how much I hate the political nature of this server. I don’t think a Minecraft server can do that to someone… it’s more.

    • Official Post

    So I don't think at the moment this is something we want to go down, I did use to do semi-regular purging because of my own OCD and trying to keep things tidy, with that said it just increased the number of people re-joining / struggling to re-join.

    If folks can provide some really good reasons to do this in the future we can re-visit but for now, I'd loathe to boot people out...


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • wild1145 July 20, 2022 at 7:23 PM

    Closed the thread.