Discord Ban Appeal on behalf of Shdwo (Sceptor#8372)

  • **1.** Your discord tag. (Ex: elmon#6023)


    **2.** If known, who banned you? (this can be checked)

    Ryan Wild

    **3.** If known, do you know what time you were approximately banned?

    09/08/2021 - Not so sure on the time

    **4.** Why do you think you were banned? (this can also be checked)

    Nonsensical remarks indicating racist behaviour

    **5.** Explain why you think you should be unbanned, and promise to never do whatever you did again. If your reason remains unknown, you may skip this question.

    I was banned for making remarks that to some, may have been interpreted as blatant racist behaviour. My true intentions were that the phrasing of these remarks, in the context of chat at the time, were nothing more than jokes, as stated almost a minute later. It's been some time since my last ban appeal took place, of which resulted in an expected outcome that I have from then, learnt from and bettered my behaviour. Even though I had no ill-intent when making such remarks, I do understand that it may have still been offensive to some, and wasn't at all appropriate for the server. These individuals have my utmost respect and I lately offer my deepest apologies to whoever may have been offended.

    My original thought when the ban first transpired was that what I said had been taken, screenshotted and sent without context to a member of staff, who saw fit to ban me accordingly. So a lot of my following actions were due to my hatred of them not seeing past the evidence. It was only shortly after, informed by Ryan, that my ban was explained in detail. Again, I offer my apologies to anyone I may have disrespected within that timeframe.

    As I'm sure the majority of you know, I'm now indefinitely suspended and banned from the minecraft server. My actions were unjust, unwarranted and had no meaning - I acted out irrational and in spite of the recent events, which unfortunately led to my ban. This is in no way me hinting towards my return on the server, and I have no intentions of returning in the near or distant future. However, I have made multiple connections with many-a people over my time on this network. It's safe to say that I have missed all of you, despite the ban not being too long ago. I am hoping to return to the discord to reconnect with individuals who I had lost contact with before, apologise to those affected and maintain my presence on the network.

    This server has always been a part of my life, whether I care to admit it or not, and I'd love to keep it that way.

  • Object, you've shown yourself to time and time again not be a positive influence to the community. If you want to contact people you've met on TF from Discord, you should just ask them outside of TF for their tag (there are other Minecraft servers) and add them as a friend...

  • I Object.
    Time and time again you fail to prove you deserve to be welcomed back into the community. Your last appeal showed you being caught possibly bypassing a ban with a bot among other things along with making outrageous claims that could have serious repercussions on the people you point fingers at.. None of this and other things I'm sure others will point out have been mentioned on this appeal.

    Additional information can be found here:

    The shitshow awaits.


  • I object, Shdwo has shared their true colors at the TF "Closing event".


      Yurni I was banned for making remarks that to some, may have been interpreted as blatant racist behaviour

    I would like to let people know those comments were "White suppremacy", "I hate black people", which I don't know if it can be interpreted as anything other than racist behavior..?

    And before even then, I've heard quite a few complaints at your name for harassment and/or being a general nuisance and mood-killer, notably towards Ashaz and Anzu if memory serves me right, and there was no signs of stopping either until the very end.

    A fool's fool fools fools who foolishly accept the foolishness of a fool's fool.

  • on tf often there with some users theres a ‘cycle’ so to speak. For example, Dragon always reinstates, makes a joke, gets indef suspended again

    In this case, shdwo always gets unbanned, acts like a wanker, and gets rebanned.


      Yurni I was banned for making remarks that to some, may have been interpreted as blatant racist behaviour. My true intentions were that the phrasing of these remarks, in the context of chat at the time, were nothing more than jokes, as stated almost a minute later. It’s been some time since my last ban appeal took place, of which resulted in an expected outcome that I have from then, learnt from and bettered my behaviour. Even though I had no ill-intent when making such remarks, I do understand that it may have still been offensive to some, and wasn’t at all appropriate for the server. These individuals have my utmost respect and I lately offer my deepest apologies to whoever may have been offended.

    To me this just seems like a paragraph of victim blaming - ‘it may have been offensive to some’ ‘some may interpret it as racist’ ultimately saying it was only offensive cuz they wanted it to be. The slapped on apology at the end was prolly only really done cuz u went ‘o shit i need to seem legit lol’

    basically shdwo to put it bluntly: fuck off.


  • Quote

    @"shdwo"#94 It’s been some time since my last ban appeal took place, of which resulted in an expected outcome that I have from then, learnt from and bettered my behaviour.

    You literally responded to someone with a slur in a thread about LGBT+ rights like two and a half months ago, which is what got you forum banned in the first place.



  • I initially wasn't gonna say anything, but fuck it I am.

    You were someone I once considered my best friend, way back in my first few months on the server. But when you started to act like a bellend, it hurt. And left me conflicted, too. A person I liked and was close to was out causing all these problems, being such an arse.

    And yknow, you did apologise for what you put me through. But you then went on to burn more bridges. You bypassed your discord ban multiple times, interacting with me on these accounts in.. strange circumstances. One you renamed to also be "erin", and you later had one account fanboying over me in some shit in a crazy manner. I'm also pretty sure one of your accounts asked me to roleplay or some shit - and the cucumber account brought up me doing erotic roleplay. Stuff that's, yknow galaxies out of my comfort zone.

    You apologised for putting me through the bullshit that didn't even involve me.. and then you had the complete lack of empathy to target me after that point. What's more.. you've denied bypassing your ban despite the strong evidence to the contrary. Not even owning up to what you did whatsoever or taking any responsibility for your actions. Denying the bypassing.. even here you're deflecting the blame from yourself.


    I am hoping to return to the discord to reconnect with individuals who I had lost contact with before, apologise to those affected and maintain my presence on the network.

    Believe it or not, discord has a private messaging function. You can use this to yknow.. connect with individuals with whom you lost contact and most importantly, apologise to them.

    But please, don't contact me because I don't want to hear from you ever again.


    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • Given that other victims of this user's actions have decided to comment, I am comfortable with sharing my thoughts on the matter.

    When you started out in the community, I genuinely had respect for you. You were an old TF member to me, someone who I could relate to as they were in TF in the past and actually knew me. However, you did a lot to ruin my reputation in this community through the form of bullying. You referred to me as having a 'god-complex' in my application, and took situations involving me out of context to paint me as a bad individual. Furthermore, you singled me out in the admin team and when I complained about it you said the admin team was 'all jokes' (which may have been the case in the past, but wasn't how it was at the time). It didn't help when you reached Senior Admin either - it actually made it worse. After your first suspension, you apologised to me and I finally thought it was over, but it wasn't.

    When I made mistakes, you often took the mick out of me, publicly. The most recent example I can remember is me accidentally reloading Essentials, then quietly leaving the Discord server. You proceeded to make a big deal about how I "rage-quit" the server, too. You resigned after I didn't accept your apology as it felt like history was repeating itself. In the days following you were banned from the various platforms. However what sealed it all for me was this accusation you made about me:

    Whilst yes, this may have been a joke, it's surely not funny. I never deserved your harassment, I don't know why you did it but you ruined a good few months of my time here. In the event that you reinstate, you'll still be suspended for what you put me through.


  • For clarity, you were banned for being a racist dick and generally horrible human being.


    I think as others have said you don't have a place currently in this community and you're almost certainly going to simply repeat old behaviour.

    I personally object strongly.


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