Regarding (people on) esoTalk

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • EsoTalk is a forum owned/managed by a former TF staff member. While advertising of communities is usually allowed, as per the Associated Community Policy (which details how we will deal with other servers in general), advertisement of this community is not allowed.

    This means you may not post links to threads or the main page, post things that happen on that forum publicly, or otherwise do anything that promotes the site UNLESS it is in the context of a report (this is the only exception). This applies in-game, on the forum, the discord, and any other official TF platform. You can obviously discuss the site, however no links are to be posted. I understand and can appreciate that this is vague, so please use your own common sense here - admins especially should be able to do this, and I've been quite disappointed to see that many people seem unable to comprehend why the content on that site is not acceptable.

    The majority of posts on that forum contain language that would get the average user banned from the server if they used it here. While you could argue that they're just jokes, and a select few do, I will argue that they are not. In fact, I think publicly promoting a platform that uses racist/transphobic/homophobic language very frequently without any form of moderation is extremely harmful to the community.

    Jokes are supposed to be funny. Making a thread talking about why you hate non-white people (whilst referring to them using various slurs that I'm sure you can figure out) is not funny. Replying to a post with only a slur, is not funny.

    Like Wild said (please refer to…of-totalfreedom), you are on the hook if your actions outside of TF reflect badly on us or cause damage to our reputation. You are free to do what you want outside of TF, but if those actions spill over, or if someone traces it back to you, it becomes our problem. So we are absolutely clear, TotalFreedom does not condone racism, transphobia, homophobia, sexism, or any other type of bigotry. Please refer to rules one and two in the Associated Community Policy - So this is crystal clear - you can be punished for your actions and comments outside of TF platforms in certain scenarios. The severity of the punishment is determined by the Owner and Executive team.