1. Username, UUID, IP(s), and short ban reason for each offender. Format as follows:
uuid: '1c49c68b-11ca-4ed0-bc3a-cc1fa4a33746'
reason: 'Use of a lag machine to try and crash the server'
2. What did they do?
Used a lag machine, lowering tps considerably.
3. What indefinitely bannable offense does this fall under according to the guidance for sanctions?
1[ a ]: Attempts at harming the server.
1[ g ]: Using an exploit that restricts a player's experience.
4. Add logs and/or screenshots of the occurrence here, and tag any witnessing staff. Evidence of previous offenses that are not the direct cause of this request can also be added here.
5. Are they known under any other names or IPs, and if so, are they currently (indefinitely) banned under those names and IPs? This information is used to keep track of ban bypassers.
None that I am currently aware of.