Community Manager Resignation - Charge

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • As you know, things that require your attention always happen when you are busy, so this announcement is a bit late. Charge has informed Ryan and me that they no longer want to continue in the position of Executive Community Manager for personal reasons. I want to thank them for the work they've done for the server.

    Instead of immediately appointing someone else, I would like to take the opportunity to reimagine how the Community Manager can best help the server. Up until now, the main card they have been able to play is events, but these have not always been very successful. I would like to know what you think the role's responsibilities should be and what they should be focusing on.

    In the meanwhile, the running tasks of the Community Manager will be taken over by the Marketing Manager team, which is very closely related anyway. That means that you can contact @"Tizz"#240 or @"Alco_Rs11"#91 for questions about events, Mentally Unstable, etc.

  • I feel like too much is being thrust into the role of marketing manager.

    The initial system at least in my time had the marketing manager in charge of bringing people through the door whilst the community manager kept them from walking out the door.

    Then more recently, the marketing manager was assigned to improve player retention as well as market the server, whilst the community managers main role became the management of the events, and the event host team.

    And now without a community manager, albeit on an interim basis, we have one executive position covering what, this time last year, two used to cover. Even then, when the change happened in December-ish, it was giving most of the ECM's responsibilities to the EMM. Now all of them have been moved.

    Looking forward, I believe we need to look back. Having separate executives for marketing and retention is a better system, mainly due to how it spreads the workload much better than the more recent model. Now, I believe these teams should work closer together than they did before to ensure the best possible player experience to prevent the flaws in this idea such as the EMM caring little for players once they join the server.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • Quote

      erin Having separate executives for marketing and retention is a better system, mainly due to how it spreads the workload much better than the more recent model.

    I disagree.

    In the past, TotalFreedom had high retention rates, mainly due to one thing: plugins. More plugins meant more fun features. I recall plugins such as MoveCraft being on the server at the time - said plugin was suggested last year and has still not been added after a year. I genuinely have a belief that if some user-beneficial plugins such as Movecraft were to be added again, our retention rates would increase. With added marketing, our server could grow.

    The initial outline of the ECM’s work featured them running the community’s social media platforms, including a TikTok page. This is something that I believe should have its own role. The EMM may use the platforms for marketing, but a distinct role of ‘Media Manager’ could have this job instead.

    As for events, I suggest a few changes to the team given my experience:

    • Bi-weekly scheduled events (a rota that is followed over a course of 2 weeks)
    • More server access (more access given to more hosts, but not all)
    • Community choice (look at what the community wants)

    I also suggest we open a new, non-executive role of ‘Events Manager’. It’s honestly so much better having an experienced person running the team.

    Best of luck for your future Charge.

  •   erin The ECM’s job was always very lacklustre in comparison to the EMM’s. From day one I argued that there was no point in having two roles dedicated to the player base (this ended up fucking me over lol, but it is what I believed).


      erin community manager kept them from walking out the door.

    The only real ways in which this was enacted was through events, and imo Tizz seems to have been handling events decently for the past month and a bit,