Funny chunk problem

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  • Restricting features from new players because some asshat decided to abuse an exploit should never be done unless there is absolutely no other option. It's like blocking WorldEdit from new players because of the potential to grief.

    Object - I'll have a look at resolving the root cause of the issue on hand first.


  • Firstly, i kinda dislike the idea of walling features off behind playtime for whatever reason. It goes against the idea of this server in my eyes.

    And secondly I honestly believe this may actually be counterintuitive. Harmful exploits can be done with such a large variety of items, many with legitimate purposes, that we'd have to block a seriously large amount of stuff to the point that legitimate players would be put off. And all that.. for 20 minutes? The people doing this could quite easily just afk for 20 minutes after joining or set up some bots to have a few alts log on for 20 min during quiet times. It'll make administration more difficult since it'll be harder to keep track of things - instead of keeping an eye on a suspicious player, we would have to set a timer for half an hour and then keep an eye on them.

    And I do say so myself, but the situation that caused this suggestion was dealt with very well by the admins online at the time. We knew who to watch and we knew how to deal with the person - you can't ban someone for creating a crash chunk until they've made it. Not much more could've been done, and this suggestion is akin to disallowing block interactions for half an hour because we got a person nukering spawn a few times.

    So yeah, I believe this will hurt player retention, make administration more complicated, go against the nature of the server and wouldn't even deal with the issue, so I object.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • You ever notice how a chat filter that stops an angry player from swearing will only make them angrier and usually leads to them bypassing said filter with worse obscenities than they would've used if there weren't a filter? This is that. Its just gonna restrict newer players from a very basic function and only make the people trying to do malicious things want to do something worse and or more of it.

  • or, you could enable prevent-proxy-connections in

    "If the ISP/AS sent from the server is different from the one from Mojang Studios' authentication server, the player is kicked" -

    which prevents people from connecting with vpns/proxies and may block thealtening/mcleaks

    and/or you could just disable NBT on blocks and items for new players (which is possible with a plugin as i've done it before)

  • wild1145 November 1, 2022 at 8:37 PM

    Closed the thread.