Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • As everyone knows, I was appointed to the title of Assistant Executive Marketing Manager. In addition to working with the executives and my superior, @"Tizz"#240, I have a few goals I wish to accomplish on TotalFreedom to enhance the Freedom-01 experience, especially since it sucks as a building server and is crippled by exploits, which has led to Flatlands being disabled following a major attack on the server that also caused freedom01 to have several long periods of being unusable. Below I have outlined some things I hope to accomplish while serving as the AEMM.

    My goals:

    • Continue to cooperate and work with the EMM and other Executives in proposing and implementing new ways to make F01 Better and retain players.
    • Work closely with @"videogamesm12"#4 who is also incredibly knowledgable in exploits on developing patches and further documentation to equip admins with guidance on defending TF from being attacked by exploiters.
    • Work towards implementing suggestions that have overall approval by the community for implementation on TF.
    • Make TF a better place for building - finding ways to add better building resources that will be compatible with current setups and enhance the experience as a builder while ensuring these plugins are not exploitable and put TF at greater risk for attacks by malicious individuals.

    I will always leave the door open for people to make suggestions for anything they wish to see on Freedom-01 and strongly recommend that if you have an idea, feel free to share it in the suggestions board.


  •   square I don't have access to any of the totalfreedom advertising site pages such as PMC so like yeah… Can't update any of that stuff with relevant and updated information. I also don't see any problems with existing marketing. TF gets players. A big problem is retention and making the server actually attractive to play on in the long run. These goals are primarily to address shitty player retention. A big issue I am trying to address is 'making the server actually worthwhile to play on' because yes, TF gets players but they are often put off by frequent crashes and a very limited suite of terrible building aids (cough AWE), and quite frankly, as an OP the actual ingame experience sucks. These goals at least attempt to make the place keep any players it gets. @"Miwojedk"#64 made a great post outlining why TF sucks from an OP's perspective. My goal is to address this to the fullest of my capabilities.


  •   enchy Exactly. By making TF/Freedom01 actually worth playing on, there will actually be something that can be marketed or advertised because now you're not misleading players into joining a server that's incredibly boring from an OP's perspective and crashes basically near daily while having nothing to offer. My points attempt to make TF actually playable and have features worth marketing such as stability and ample building resources. I'm also the Assistant Executive Marketing Manager so I'm 100% sure Tizz has his own ideas as well and not the entire goals set by this team. These are just my ambitions.
