Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • So Tizz, Coco and I were discussing the statue in the Hub. To be clear, this is the one we were talking about:

    I was talking to Coco and he mentioned getting ideas to him about the statue. Mentioned the creation of this post, too, which he said was fine to do.

    I've got a few ideas:

    • Making statues of the current execs, ranging from Discord to Skyblock
    • Statue of Ryan

    What ideas have people got? Post below!

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    @'wxtermelon' Making statues of the current execs, ranging from Discord to Skyblock
    Statue of Ryan

    I'm gonna have to hard object to this. Current TotalFreedom is already incredibly dictatorial in that all decisions are dominated by the upper level management (not an issue, always has been the case), but literally making statues of executives and the owner is so anti-freedom its crazy. As soon as a new player joins, the upper level management will be shoved in their face. Reminds me of this lol

    Perhaps rather than a monument (which is always too big to appreciate anyways), we put holograms with information and history of the server? You could even render the TF Timeline darth made and put it there too, that would be great to get new players involved with the existing community. There's a lot you can do here from a community standpoint, but making statues of the executives and owner is definitely not it.

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      RedEastWood Perhaps rather than a monument (which is always too big to appreciate anyways), we put holograms with information and history of the server?

    Actually, you've raised a good point.

    In @"Tizz"#240's EMM application, he stated that he'd like to form a greeting/welcoming area for new players. This would be a great area for that as it could be implemented in the vast space available.

    To be honest with you, I agree with your original point about the statues of Executives. I just had some ideas in my head because the current statue of some random Sith from Star Wars has no reason to be there...

  • @'wxtermelon' Yup! I would render the TF Timeline and put it there, nice and big. I'd then add holograms to various parts of it explaining further. This could actually be a great way for Tizz to get started on change and for us to use this space in a useful way :)

  • You know what, using the hub to host a permanent expo about TF's history doesn't seem like a bad idea.


    ! If we really need a statue, I'd put a "normal" sized one of Markbyron.

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager

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      RedEastWood literally making statues of executives and the owner is so anti-freedom its crazy

    i'm about 80% sure that the reason darth begged for this to be the statue when he was AECD and we were making this hub was purely because he wanted it to essentially be a statue of him, it looks remarkably like something darth would have as his profile picture.

    also for all of your information, these statues take way longer than you might think to make, and I haven't heard from our main statue building person in a while. I will try and talk with him and see if he is willing to work on more statues, but if not, that means that we likely won't be able to update it for a while, as it is way harder than it might seem like to make one of these and i only know of a few mbs in the past who have ever had the skills required for this type of build. so keep that in mind

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      DragonSlayer2189 i’m about 80% sure that the reason darth begged for this to be the statue when he was AECD and we were making this hub was purely because he wanted it to essentially be a statue of him,

    So instead of delivering a statue of someone that he promised, he decided to instead have a statue of the grim reaper of all things (yeah, really fucking smart of him to put something often associated with death at the fucking hubworld where everyone spawns at).



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      DragonSlayer2189 also for all of your information, these statues take way longer than you might think to make, and I haven’t heard from our main statue building person in a while. I will try and talk with him and see if he is willing to work on more statues, but if not, that means that we likely won’t be able to update it for a while, as it is way harder than it might seem like to make one of these and i only know of a few mbs in the past who have ever had the skills required for this type of build

    At the end of the day, the decision comes to the current Executives, not old ones. It’s incredibly selfish to put a statue of yourself in the hub, when the space can be used for something else.

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    @'wxtermelon' It’s incredibly selfish to put a statue of yourself in the hub, when the space can be used for something else

    Your original post suggesting the idea for executive statues meant that you were fully okay - heck, even suggesting the idea of Coco, Ryan and/or dragon deciding to build a giant statue of themselves in the hub. Whats changed?

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • @'wxtermelon' To be fair, I assumed it was an idea you supported since you wrote it. It doesn't make sense to suggest an idea that you disagree with and would see selfish.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • @'wxtermelon' if an executive approved this suggestion and put a statue of themselves in the hub, that would be going along with your original idea.. yet it's something you consider selfish. That's what I'm getting at.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.