Sperience - Ban Appeal

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  • Yeah recreating historical atrocities is sort of his signature. That circle of friends mostly knows their audience and usually nobody gets their feelings hurt. On TF admins like to visit unannounced and they come from all walks of life. You can't prepare for that besides not doing edgy things in the first place.

    I'm not offended but I am sympathetic for people who could be so I think the day ban was deserved. Either don't joke about it, don't joke about it on TF, or don't get caught. Also shock humor doesn't have to be offensive.

    1. object, wait it out, its just 24h
    2. alright, let me get this clear, you and flob were banned for making the unfunny german murder rail road playground place and got banned by red, i don't see why you didn't learn from this and know that you shouldn't be doing any of this kind of stuff, i seriously don't understand what's funny and hilarious about millions of people dying, seriously, what's so funny?? can i laugh too??

    and again, im being aggressive, but its seriously the only way i can say it as i am currently sleep deprived

    Admin // Hub Moderator // Master Builder

    Incredibly awesome duck.

  • I object.

    You were indefinitely banned initially for your ‘jokes’ towards another person. In your indefinite ban appeal, you state this:


    I want it to be known that I deeply regret my actions, and would undo them in a heartbeat, if I had the chance to. Moving forward, I hope to engage with the TotalFreedom community in a positive way, and uplift this server in its current state. I hope to peacefully build with other players, and try to generally make TotalFreedom a better, more cozy place.

    Your actions yesterday do not fit with what you said in your indefinite ban appeal.

    I’m not really angry or offended with your jokes, it’s just upsetting to see that you guys don’t realise that the death of 3,000 people isn’t funny…

  • Quote

      Flobbier Would this apply to admins who are repulsed by NSFW things and TP to someone making a NSFW build?

    no.. its not against the rules to make nsfw builds away from spawn.. it is to make islamaphobic builds..

    you seem to fail to grasp the whole 'taking responsibility for ones actions' thing and you seem to just continue with this whataboutism that ultimately contributes nothing. and yes, i know you weren't the one banned, but i know you contributed to the issue and also made milder jokes on signs around the Ka'aba that i didn't deem bannable

    i'm just gonna cut the bullshit. you (flobbier) and sperience haven't changed in the slightest, you just churned out some bullshit on your appeal to make yourselves sound good. if you did, you wouldn't be making offensive jokes then claiming we're just sensitive, and you wouldn't be making backhanded jokes aimed at making fun of myself for literally just doing my job.

    jupiter banned bobpop because i instructed them to. on discord, in dms, i told them to gtfo them. under the conduct policy, the most senior admin at the time has the final say; therefore the one responsible for the retroactive ban was myself, not jupiter. i wasn't aware of the warning given beforehand hence why I made that judgement.

    all i've gotta say is grow the fuck up. objection.


  • Okay, so I see two sides of this. And I understand two sides of this.

    On one hand, I personally am not a fan of retroactive punishment or sanctioning people twice for the same offence.

    But, on the other hand, I don't believe the ban was carried out in error. Moss was well within their right to ban you on the spot for what you were building - away from spawn or not. Furthermore, you seriously should know better - heck, you told us you now knew better after spending 4 months banned from the server for distasteful jokes.

    So I object to the preemptive lifting of the ban. Wait it out.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.