Ways to make a laptop’s battery last longer

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  • Out of interest given you've gone Linux and it's a gaming laptop I take it you're not really running games on it? If that's the case is it just this is an older laptop because I'm surprised you'd intentionally buy a gaming laptop to install Linux on unkess you're doing Dev / similar.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • @'Ryan' It’s a fairly new gaming laptop, I got it Q2 of 2020. The specs are decent too with an i7-10700H and RTX 2060, but I have a fully fledged gaming PC for gaming so I figured I could use this exclusively for work. Linux provided me with everything I need for work, without the extras, so that’s why I opted for it.

    The battery life has also extended drastically with Fedora and TLP installed.

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    @'r00t' Honestly unless you use Gentoo (which is a pain in the ass), I’m not impressed, but you did a (somewhat) good job…

    i've never seen so much linux elitism in a message. i think its impressive those usually using windows or mac on a daily basis can get a hold of any linux distro and make it suit their needs. i doubt my guy is gonna actually setup gentoo and compile every component of his operating system for several days straight just to get it working on their first go


      erin Swear that’s better than Lyicx’s gaming setup.

    if it wasn't having a shitty battery issue because components of that power requirement i imagine drink fuckin tons of power then maybe?

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • Quote

    @'r00t' lyicx honestly switching from mac to linux isnt that hard, you just need to learn a few words (e.g. rpm)

    And how to install it, configure it, make the desktop functional, learn an entirely new UI...


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Quote

    @'Ryan' install it

    Not that hard for modern GUI-based Linux distributions.
    It depends on what you're trying to install though.


    @'Ryan' configure it

    Again, depends on the distribution.
    Some have way too many options for beginners (and they all have to be fine-tuned by hand) (e.g. Gentoo Linux) while others (e.g. Ubuntu) don't have a shit ton of options and are great for starters.


    @'Ryan' make the desktop functional

    For the third time in a row, depends.
    I swear I'm using the word "depends" too much.
    Most distributions come bundled with a minimal (but working) userland (but sometimes no GUI or similar though, which might seem scary for first-timers at first but really isn't).


    @'Ryan' learn an entirely new UI

    It's not really that different. You can configure GNOME to look like macOS, Plasma to look like Windows, or even disable the display manager completely and just go UNIX-style from a command line.

    Linux isn't that hard to wrap your head around. However, using a "terminal/console" to do the majority of your tasks sounds like a nightmare, which is probably the main reason that it's not as common as Windows and macOS.

  • @'r00t'

    It's not hard for you having done it a few times and being technical... It's not hard for me to deploy an enterprise cloud but I wouldn't expect everyone to do it...

    This was my point, you're saying "It's easy" because you are technical and have learnt how to do it... The reason most people won't upgrade their version of Windows and any applications is because they don't like change...

    Also a lot of the time you have to know what is possible, most people wouldn't know what GNOME is much less that you could make it look like MacOS or anything else.

    Hell I don't know anything about Plasma and wouldn't have known before this post it could be made to look like Windows...


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • wild1145 November 2, 2022 at 7:01 PM

    Selected a post as the best answer.