Ghost Aliasses in Plots

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Date and Time (please include the timezone):

    Describe the bug or exploit:
    Plots have aliasses which you can set using /p alias set , however this bug causes extremely old aliasses to be taken when trying to set them, but when you try to visit them, they dont exist. This is bothering when trying to get a good memorable alias.

    Plugin(s) impacted:

    Expected behaviour (if known):
    Alias should either exist or not be taken.

    Step to reproduce:
    Try setting your plot's alias to "shibazon". It should say its taken.
    Try to visit the plot "shibazon", it should say it doesn't exist/isn't valid.

    Server where the bug occurred:

    Can the bug or exploit be reproduced on another server within the network?

  •   Noah yeah this is a really weird bug
    if you attempt to /plot visit a plot using an alias instead of a username, plotsquared will respond by refusing to teleport the player, citing that such a plot “does not exist”.

  • this bug is probably caused by the fact that the database for the plots and all their data is kinda all fucked up from when we switched from being an offline mode server to being an online mode one but Even if it’s not, we hopefully will be getting a dedicated plot server pretty soon so these issues don’t matter all too much

  • We have a ticket to reset the plot aliases. I sort of couldn't be bothered on the grounds that we're working on a replacement but if it's actually frustrating player experience we can do it.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

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