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  • North Shropshire is a political constituency in the west region of England, and it has been politically led by a Conservative MP for nearly 200 years.

    The Conservative MP for North Shropshire recently resigned as he faced charges of breaking advocacy rules (explained), which triggered a by-election.

    When an MP resigns, a new MP needs to be elected. This procedure is democratic, and is called a by-election. Voters choose their new MP by voting on a ballot paper.

    While this is happening, down in London, the Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been accused of having a Christmas party at his residence with his coworkers - which was supposedly held during the full lockdown. If this is true, Johnson and his cabinet are hypocrites; and they have no regard for the NHS and it’s sacrifices.

    These allegations are far from baseless, advisor to the PM Allegra Stratton has joked about the Christmas Party on a leaked video. The video is quite… damming.

    The video evidence of Allegra Stratton speaking about the Christmas Party starts at 1:28

    As is expected, these events were met with intense backlash by the political nation - and the vote in North Shropshire may just embody the grievances against the Conservative government. With so many North Shropshire voters switching allegiance, it is inescapable that a loss of trust in the government and its prime minister largely explains this result.

    I have studied politics extensively, and I would love to continue sharing my views on current political matters if the community is interested.

    What are your views on this matter? Is Boris going to remain our PM or will public grievance boil over? What does this loss mean for the Conservatives?

  • i expected the conservatives would have taken a massive hit anyhow due to covid, sort of predicting covid will have the same amount of impact on 2023's general election (i think 2023) as it did with last years 2020 election across the pond. this is all icing on the cake really

    that and the tory rebellion on the covid shit thats come into affect that was practically carried by other parties especially Labour and i hear shit about leadership challenges because of this whole party scandal

    quite anti climatic given the 2019 result to be quite honest

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • I think it is important to put the North Shropshire result in context, because the controversy was fresh in people's minds when the election happened. Extrapolating results from a single electoral district is always risky, see for example Ohio in the 2020 United States presidential election.

  • Quote

      RedEastWood the Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been accused of having a Christmas party at his residence with his coworkers - which was supposedly held during the full lockdown. If this is true, Johnson and his cabinet are hypocrites; and they have no regard for the NHS and it’s sacrifices.

    this might be the first time i have some respect for britain

    so many american politicians who have been imposing lockdowns and mask mandates have been caught countless times not wearing masks, throwing expensive parties (looking at you gavin newsom), and breaking every single rule they set up on the common people

    somehow, america is putting up with this while britain isnt
    maybe britain isnt so bad after all
