Silent flag for /gtfo (-q) doesn't message the sender - Bug Report

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  • This is weird.

    • Date and Time (please include the timezone):
    • Describe the bug or exploit: When you run /gtfo -q, it should be expected that the sender of the command be displayed a message that the player was banned successfully. This is not the case. I included a video showing what happened when I banned a griefer with this flag. Unless you verify they're banned via the punishment log, you cannot tell if someone is actually banned if done silently.…/zbjuahOtHj.mp4
    • Plugin(s) impacted: TotalFreedomMod
    • Expected behaviour (if known): Banning a player silently should inform the sender that they were banned successfully along with displaying the ban reason they set.
    • Step to reproduce: Ban a player using the -q flag, no response will be displayed to the sender (you.) informing that the player has been banned with X reason (if applicable).
    • Server where the bug occurred: Freedom-01
    • Can the bug or exploit be reproduced on another server within the network? No, since this is only a TFM problem.


  • I see the problem - Alco is performing a quiet ban on a player who is offline. The code that's supposed to send the message only executes if the target player is currently online. This is definitely an oversight that should be addressed.…
