Executive Marketing Manager Voting

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  •   Luke I don't really think there are any other options than to reform the role at this point - all someone with it can do is attempt to market a failing gamemode instead of working on something that interests players. Unless the role is changed, each EMM will be set up for failure since we are in a position where we need to improve our gameplay to make improving retainment and efficient marketing possible.

  • Here is my opinion (even though nobody asked for it lmao)

    I voted Tizz. I didn't see any huge issues with either Panther or Tizz and I honestly couldn't really choose between them. However, after reading through both of their applications, the reason I chose Tizz is this: he has plans. Panther's plans for improving player retention are


    Working on new gameplay to regain the interest of the current community
    Ensuring the quality of gameplay on the server meets expectations and has originality
    Tailoring the gameplay to best suit the interests of the community
    Promoting and marketing gameplay that actually interests the current community to an outside audience rather than exaggerating what the server is now
    Expanding on gameplay that the community finds interesting by introducing variety and updates frequently

    All of this sounds good, but I have no idea what any of it means. Working on new gameplay? What new gameplay is that? Ensuring the quality of gameplay, tailoring the gameplay to best suit the community, promoting and marketing gameplay that interests the current community, expanding on gameplay, what does any of this mean? It's so vague and it seems like just grasping at straws with no plan for action.

    Now, look at Tizz's application:


    To address that, I would like to work with the ECM to overhaul the current Event Hosts system. My idea is to form a team of Animators. Their responsibilities will go beyond the mere organisation of events, and will be directly involved in giving new players a proper welcome, organising minigames and doing whatever is needed to combat the many moments of boredom in the freedom server.

    Tizz at least has a plan. Whether you agree with this system he is suggesting or not, it is a concrete plan of action. Tizz sets a goal that is realistic and achievable. Instead of vague promises of "improving gameplay," he has a plan set on what he will do.


      Ivan yeah tizz never responded to this bullshit thread and that’s why he’s the good candidate this time round. future applicants: take notes

    Also this ^


  • Quote

      enchy I didn’t see any huge issues with either Panther or Tizz

    Worth noting we are talking about two admins who are both willing to put time and effort into helping the server stay alive.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   ThePyroManActualAccount You're right, but I wanted to wait for the waters to calm down first. (And I have a full-time job lol)

    Panther has some points, however I'm concerned about how some people are treating the server as if it's meant nothing for 11 years.

      DragonSlayer2189 First of all, you can't have an engaging gameplay, be it in this server, an anarchy one, whatever you want, without a motivated team.

    TotalFreedom's suffering from a pretty depressed executive team which doesn't believe anymore in what they're doing. This is the primary factor in its failure, and it can be reflected in the low player count.

    TotalFreedom's peculiarity, in its current form, is the social aspect. Go take a look at this. Despite the far from ideal development status of the place, people still come back because they can actually socialise while building or doing other activities, if any. Some people has told us how getting involved in the community actually hepled them improve their life. The fun thing about this is, it'd have been harder if the server wasn't a smaller, cosy place with people you can interact with instead of one full of silent players. (Sorry @"erin"#107 for stealing your words.)

    I know this place was worse before I joined, and the people who say how toxic it used to be are probably right. While still flawed, I can't really say it's "toxic" now.

    That being said, here are some things I'd like to start working on:

    • Setting an example on the right attitude. You have a chance of succeeding only if you actually believe it. In general, I want people (staff and not) to believe in what they do and that their efforts on this server are always greatly appreciated, regardless of their success.
    • Better data on players' expectations. It's not easy to find accurate and up to date info to know what non-technical issues should be prioritised. We know something about what made people stay thanks to Panther's thread, but I have a hard time finding any poll about what made them join in the first place. (Thanks @"Folfy_Blue"#356 for the input.)
    • As I already said, animators, motivated people who are available to stick around, raise the morale and keep players busy with some activities.

    Since we're basically starting from the ground up, I believe we should start from few, essential things and, as we progress, we'll think about others. Suggestions are and will always be welcome, of course.

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager