Can't rollback NBT from AWE actions made by non-staff

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  • Date and Time (please include the timezone):

    Describe the bug or exploit:
    If an OP griefs with AWE, and the grief is rollbacked, NBT isn't restored, causing blank signs and banners and generic Steve heads to appear. Block states (orientation etc.) are correctly re-set.

    I did some tests and I can confirm that if any admin "griefs" with WE, rollbacking them will restore the NBT.

    This leads me to believe that either worldedit.setnbt or some missing permission in BlocksHub will filter out any NBT CoreProtect is providing if the rollbacked action was made by an OP.

    It's remarkable that manual breaking or replacing by OPs with standard break action isn't affected by this but instead NBT is correctly restored.

    Plugin(s) impacted:
    AsyncWorldEdit, BlocksHub, CoreProtect, WorldEdit

    Expected behaviour (if known):
    NBT should be correctly rollbacked to what the original creator made, and ignoring if the griefer had NBT permissions.

    Step to reproduce:

    1. Place a sign, head or something else with NBT. It doesn't matter if who places it is staff or not.
    2. Make a staff member destroy it by using WE commands.
    3. Rollback the action.
    4. Make a normal OP destroy it by using WE commands.
    5. Rollback the action.

    Server where the bug occurred:

    Can the bug or exploit be reproduced on another server within the network?
    Probably dev-freedom-02

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager