Freedom-01 maintenance for world cleanup

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  •   videogamesm12 still the whole point of PyPy is to improve the speed of python, python by itself is a very slow language and doesn't typically scale all to well, and so PyPy is meant to solve that as it completely rewrites the way python scripts are run under the hood, I'll do some testing myself with my own copy of the plot world and see what the results are but I highly recommend that we give it a shot, PyPy scales much better and shouldn't require us to rewrite anything either

  • Quote

      StevenNL2000 There are some suggested ways to speed up the process, such as rewriting the script to make use of multiple threads.

    I haven't looked that way due to disk reading/writing speed usually being the bottleneck, I could always try to give it a look if required, though

    A fool's fool fools fools who foolishly accept the foolishness of a fool's fool.

  • You may be wondering if we're going to have another 8 hours of downtime when the next maintenance starts in a few hours. Fortunately, the answer is no, because Video suggested to me that we could simply replace the affected worlds with empty ones for the duration of the maintenance. That means players will not have their builds for a few hours, but that is much better than not having a server. Additionally, Folfy has updated the script with multithreading, which should speed up the process in general.

    The world scheduled for maintenance in a few hours is still "world": it is true that the flatlands will need to be redone, but I am sticking to the original schedule for the sake of consistency.

  • After multiple days of waiting, the script has finally finished its work on world "world". Because of an issue that needs some attention where CoreProtect was confused by the world being swapped out, the original world will be put back tonight (UTC) rather than right now. I've already put the before and after numbers in the first post: as you can see, it is in fact worth it if it gets the chance to complete.

  • The main overworld world has now been restored and CoreProtect corrected.

    I would ask folks to check their builds are still in the world and there isn't anything missing / weird with them. They should all be 100% fine, but better off checking, and the sooner you tell us of any issues (Hopefully there aren't any) the better, else it might be much more tricky to restore them if there are issues.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Not exactly a World issue, my build is back and nothing is wrong..... just a slight problem, it seems like players Inventories and Ender Chests have been wiped in the result of this. Not sure if this was intentional or not, thought you should know though.

  • @'FT ' The hub player data was wiped separately. I am not sure about the freedom server though so @"StevenNL2000"#2 might be able to advise.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • @'Ryan' I did not intentionally wipe the playerdata, nor did I expect it to be. However, I can see that the playerdata directory that previously had thousands of files in it has been emptied. I suspect that the server realized that we essentially went into the past by a few days by restoring the original world and decided to throw all playerdata out.

    Next to this problem, Ryan has told me that cleaning up the CoreProtect database after having a temporary world is somewhat annoying. Combined with the fact that the worlds scheduled for today are much smaller than the previous ones and can be processed in parallel, it makes sense for the maintenance in a few hours to be an outage again, of course with the hope that it will be much shorter than the previous ones.

  • The last scheduled cleanup has been completed, and as expected, it was indeed much faster this time because the 4 worlds could be processed in parallel rather than one after the other. This run has saved another 40GB of disk space, which shows that this can be worth it even for smaller worlds.

    As I said above, the flatlands world will need to be redone at some point, but I would prefer to postpone that so we don't have a big maintenance in the holiday period.