jwmphall MB reinstatement

  •   @zekurt I'd perfer it if this conversation was done elsewhere as it does not immediately pertain to this reinstatement application, please make a new thread if you wish to continue this conversation, thank you.

    I will be taking into consideration the evidence that Panther has brought to my attention, however, as it is unclear whether or not This Policy applies to anyone other than admins, I can make no guarantees that the evidence presented will actually have any effect on the outcome of this application

  •   @zekurt I don't actually see how any of this pertains to the issue of jwmphalls reinstatement at all.

    Back on topic, I vouch for reinstatement. I don't feel the conduct he demonstrated was appropriate for an admin, but I also don't believe it should affect master builder standing.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • Quote

    @'FT ' if you are referring to the ECD’s build team, the MB role has no bearing on that anymore

    AFAIK They're one and the same...


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • @'Ryan' The Poll linked above shows Dragon accepted that the consensus was that MB should stay a title, and I'd add that the ECD build team should still exist, but it's optional for MBs to opt-in.

    Problem is, I see no recent changes to MB information thread to reflect that decision.

    EDIT: added link

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager

  •   Tizz Yeah I haven't had the time to really go back and edit all of the Information stuff, but i don't think that it is too nessecary, MBs and the ECD Build team are the same thing, the only difference is that now you will only be credited in projects that you worked on, as MBs are no longer required to assist with build projects, this is why not every MB is listed in things like the Hub's Credits Room

  •   DragonSlayer2189 I know this doesn't directly relate with this threads subject but I am still confused by why mb even exists if its just a title. If we are going to have an entire role just for builders, why not also credit item makers or note block players. Why have an entire application system and executive position for a role that serves no purpose other than being a title?

  •   burger ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I plan to completely look over and revise the whole idea of MB sooner or later, Because personally (and this may be a bit controversal) I think it should be more of a role dedicated to representing creative minds within the community not just with building but with other things such as item making, which you mentioned, or drawing and stuff. but its will probably be a lot of work for me to completely change a role that has been roughly the same on TF since it was first created, so i haven't gotten around to properly looking at that stuff