Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • After discussing with quack95 and realising that his friendship with Darwin_Uang was closer to Darwin bullying quack than them being friends, I persuaded quack to take action and to cut ties with Darwin.

    Quack mentioned fears of worse harassment if he cut ties during this conversation, so I humbly ask that we keep an eye on the situation to ensure that quack feels safe in this community, as well as potentially any others Darwin begins to target.

    All appreciated in advance, thanks.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • Just leaving this here. Can't confirm the authenticity of his claim, though. (From Labs Inc's Discord)

    Enable 2FA on your accounts, just in case 😅

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager

  •   lyicx he did, but his indef ban was unrelated to the general toxicity he shows to everyone. I'm unsure if the indef means it's easier to get on for an unrelated offence.

    That being said, he's going to rack up mutes and shit if he continues talking to people like that

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • Being ingame and witnessing both quack and darwin going at each others throats, i had to gcmd the ignore command for quack just so they werent going back and forth, this doesnt look good for darwin especially since he just appealed an indef ban.

  • Irrelevant to the thread but I thought it’s worth putting here…

    The fact that we have admins actively recognising situations like this is honestly something I’m really glad to see. In the past 2 years of being in TF, I haven’t seen a single moment where admins try to prevent any forms of targeted harassment. Small arguments, yes. Never this behaviour though.

    I’m really glad we are starting to notice these things. In the past when I and others have complained, we got the simple response ‘TF is like this, deal with it’. To this day there are individuals in our admin team that believe that is still true - it’s not. I’m glad to finally see we’re recognising this stuff.

    Now, on to the topic of this thread. Back when Darwin was indefinitely banned, Darwin was just as much of a nuisance then as he is now. I remember him acting hostile, as if he owned all the servers. He was quite rude to everyone, too. We should watch the behaviour mentioned here by others for a few days.

  • Quote

      You! Back when Darwin was indefinitely banned, Darwin was just as much of a nuisance then as he is now. I remember him acting hostile, as if he owned all the servers. He was quite rude to everyone, too.

    This interaction was on the infinity discord, which quack owned, and Darwin had staff perms on. (not embedded because lots of images)

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.