Ban appeal Skogheim

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
    1. Minecraft name: Kamieniek_

    2. Discord username and discriminator (username#discriminator) (if any): No

    3. Approximate date of indefinite ban: March

    4. Reason for indefinite ban. Please do not lie and try to be sincere and apologize as applicable: I was banned for being a serial troll, but I actually have issue with this. There is no evidence that I ever trolled on the server, none at all. The ban request for me ( ) was approved without any evidence posted in the evidence tag. And the players who voted for vouch were all biased against me on the server. They voted without proof. That's a clear example of corruption and the ban should be lifted right now, it's pathetic how that got approved in the first place. I won't apologise, because I was not a troll. I was never punished. I was banned without goodreason.

    5. Do you agree to follow our server rules (see and the rules in place on the forum (, and all the conditions stated above? Yes, I will follow the rules, like how I followed the rules the entire time I was online.

    6. Please provide the one IP that you will be using to login to the server. If you don't know it, visit and cut and paste the result. All other IPs that you used to get indefinitely banned will remain indefinitely banned. Don't provide a VPN IP. I don't want to get hacked

  • I have attached a Hastebin containing every single line of server logs from December 4, 2020 to March 7, 2021 that mentioned your former username. This includes connection attempts, commands (including ones performed by other players), disconnections, chat messages, and sanctions. I will note two things about these logs, however:

    • To avoid conflicts regarding IP addresses, I have partially redacted them from this public release.
    • These logs do not include context, but I can provide context manually where necessary.

    Here are the links:

    These logs make one thing very clear. You did troll. In addition, accusing those who have voted in favor of you being banned as being biased and instantly claiming that we're corrupt because the evidence on the original request no longer appears to be accessible is one of the worst things you can do on your own appeal.



  •   videogamesm12 Object for above reasoning. I'm halfway through the log though, and it's very entertaining. Might send some highlights later.

    [15:21:49] [Async Chat Thread - #187/INFO]: helper Skogheim ? wtf is /warp !!!!redeastwood  
    [15:22:12] [Async Chat Thread - #187/INFO]: helper Skogheim ? its calling him a pig  

    Also I'd like to say that had you not spun a story and acted as if you were completely innocent, your appeal probably would've been accepted since you were banned over 7 months ago. But nope, you decide to show us that you haven't changed one bit from the player making all of those remarks on the server.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • Quote

      Skogheim The ban request for me ( ) was approved without any evidence posted in the evidence tag. And the players who voted for vouch were all biased against me on the server. They voted without proof. That’s a clear example of corruption and the ban should be lifted right now, it’s pathetic how that got approved in the first place. I won’t apologise, because I was not a troll. I was never punished. I was banned without goodreason.

    so reading the logs provided, you definitely were a complete dick to everyone pretty much everytime you were on and this appeal doesn't really make it look like you've changed at all, especially for what ive quoted you on above. calling abuse/corruption just because the link were dead and then lying about not being a serious troll n such.

    going to be objecting here. id suggest fixing your abhorrent attitude.


  • Dug up something from their IBR.

    "I was told to object by skog so he can give me a hint on what his discord account is but its not my job anymore and that'd be manipulation so I vouch" - ClayCoconut

    Endermatter Cat-Person with wings and Magic who follows the Cat Religion.

    "Never Surrender."

  •   videogamesm12 First of all, you didn't include context, and second of all, if I'm indefinitely banned, why the fuck isn't oxspei indefinitely banned? That is clearly shown to make me look bad.

    Your logs also show a staff member kicking me from a guild for no reason, and completely ignoring my requests to help sort out a problem with a player placing portal traps which was in violation of your conduct policy. You are the admin officer yet you made up logs of an admin ignoring a player? Nice one.

      erin thank you for using evidence of me reporting a player to a staff member as evidence for me being banned. Why did you object? I was clearly showing more ability to be admin than any of the admins online who all ignored me all the time. Other players like Oxspei were saying the same things to me and trolling me back but I was the only one who got banned?

      Zarcana so it's a poor attitude just because I don't let corrupt staff members bully me around? And ignore me and ban me for trying to get out of a portal trap?

      root there's nothing wrong with my attitude. I am defending my case. If you don't like it, don't reply. I'm not like you snowflakes who want to ruin freedom.

      Captainclimber because I didn't troll.

      Luke thank you for at least admitting it.

    @'r00t' those logs are designed to make me look bad. They're biased.

  •   Skogheim you're calling people corrupt and biased with no real evidence. How is that not poor attitude?
    Also, i do not believe at all that trying to manipulate the votes on your IBR shouldn't lead to objects on your appeal. as seen in the above posts, you're still a complete cuck. Same, if not worse attitude as when you were actually on the server. You also spammed chat instead of directly contacting an admin via /msg. Also, as seen in the logs, you literally flamed another user and have shown literally no signs of change since then. Not everyone is corrupt and biased because they dont agree with your standpoint, grow up. Also, Framing, which you are accusing @"videogamesm12"#4 of doing, is literally a section 1 offense, they would get permbanned if they were actually framing you lmao.
    You also tried to frame Lyicx of the offense of muting you for no reason, they clearly had a reason, You were using the /g create command, and the /nick command to spam commandspy with "DONT_CARE_DIDNT_ASK", and you did it in response to kanst muting you for being an asshole. That's definitely mute bypassing, also, there is a very critical flaw in your "you made up logs of an admin ignoring a player" argument, there's screenshots of the mail you sent, screenshots taken ingame, therefore the logs cannot be faked, and also, there is no fucking way that anyone could fake logs of that length and complexity within approximately 2 hours, takes a frickton of time to write some random story, let alone that many fucking lines of logs.

    Despite the fact that @"videogamesm12"#4 did not provide context, they did clearly say they would provide it manually.

    Endermatter Cat-Person with wings and Magic who follows the Cat Religion.

    "Never Surrender."