Taking a break

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Just to let folks know, I intend on being somewhat inactive / on a break for the coming few weeks. It's been on the list of things to do for a while, and taking myself away for a few weeks to have some time to myself, and to hopefully work on some projects that I just haven't had time to work on while running TF is going to be the plan.

    I am probably going to be returning back to an active state somewhere in the first week of November (Subject to change though).

    During the next few weeks you might still see me around, but I will likely be harder to get a hold of, there are some TF related projects I'll probably be spending some time on, but also a lot of non TF stuff.

    In my absence @"StevenNL2000"#2 and @"videogamesm12"#4 will take on an interim ownership position as between them they should have all accesses required to keep things going in my absence, and they've both proved over the many years of being in the community that they have the trust and respect of the community to keep things going in my short absence.

    If there are major issues that require my attention, Video & Steven will be able to reach me either directly or via someone at ATLAS so I'm not totally off-grid, just not planning on being here much!

    Cheers all, see you in a few weeks :)


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK