the option of renovation

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • People have been saying for years that TF is dying - this has been true and right now it is at the worst point I've seen - it’s literally closing down. My idea to change this is to rebrand. We've had the idea of TotalFreedom for years. I honestly believe that we're not meeting even half the expectations of that name. We're a server with too many restrictions and it's time to change that.

    The initial thoughts I have for the rebrand are as follows:

    • TFM removed/renovated
    • LuckPerms or similar permissions plugin used
    • Staff Team Renovation
    • Executive Team Renovation
    • Policies rewritten
    • New name
    • New marketing

    There are more things we will need to work on, but these are the main things. We've rebranded before - we used to be a hell and heaven server.

    This is a project that won't be rushed. It's something that may take months to do. What are your thoughts on it?

  • Scraping the bottom of the barrel here really - I mean realistically speaking is the work here even worth us considering your options?

    If you're planning on using LuckPerms, you don't need TFM anyways. It is a good idea and won't take long at all to implement (if worked on actively), but the actual yield it would produce may not be noticeable immediately.
    It isn't something that will immediately give us flocks of new and regular players, but would rather sustain player growth over a longer time.

    The rest of the suggestions seem like gimmicks to give an impression of real and radical change. A new name/new marketing is a terrible idea - we have amazing exposure and its one of the things we do well.

    New marketing is extremely vague and doesn't actually mean anything. What do you mean by new marketing? What was the old marketing? It just seems quite trivial to me.

    Staff team and Executive renovation is another change that is only included for the sake of a radicalised new TF feeling. It will, in reality, change absolutely nothing and will only take up a shit load of time.

  • Quote

      RedEastWood A new name/new marketing is a terrible idea - we have amazing exposure and its one of the things we do well.

    Marketing will have to change if we are to change from a free-op to an anarchy or other-gamemode server. That’s what I mean.


      RedEastWood Staff team and Executive renovation is another change that is only included for the sake of a radicalised new TF feeling. It will, in reality, change absolutely nothing and will only take up a shit load of time.

    We don’t have to do everything on the list. Some things can be taken out.

  • TF in it's core is a sandbox. Put it with a bunch of guys into D&D and are already friends to begin with, you'd have a fun afternoon. Put it with a bunch of guys who are into politics, maybe you'd get some discussion about current society. Put it with a bunch of idiots who will argue over anything, well, if you have logical capabilities you would know you'd get an argument.

    TF without a healthy, supportive community is empty. A lot of the guys I played with would agree with me, and would say this is the reason why most of us left.

    TF for me has always been just basically Tinder for acquaintances, put bluntly. Get to know them more, you guys get into your own group DMs and eventually move off TF. There is just nothing that I can think of that is exclusively unique to TF except for the fact that it's either chaotic, dead, broken, or brimming with a whole bunch of kids fighting for glory. Coming from a guy that was once the most active non-admin... Not reassuring.

    If all you have are newer, more precise policies; Different staff team; New marketing strategy; Original gimmicks; Shiny rebrand - Unless we are going forward with a completely rewired player base, mark my words that little would change.

    Do take my stance with a grain of salt, because I have rarely interacted with the server in the recent 9 months - But I feel that until we recognize that TF conceptually is a mere platform for the arbitrary goo that is the player base that comes and goes constantly, I doubt much progress can be made sanding and sharpening this rusty blade.

    However much I'd love for the dead horse of TF to be buried, I truly wish whatever endeavours you might pursue prosper, my words accounted for or not. Good luck.

    C'est la vie

  • Quote

      You! TFM removed/renovated

    Completely removing the core plugin of the server would do more harm than good. Replacing it, however, with a plugin like Plex could provide numerous benefits in terms of stability. However, to reduce the strain on the already-limited supply of developers I think it would be best if we fixed the problems TFM has instead of completely overhauling the entire plugin.


      You! LuckPerms or similar permissions plugin used

    Good idea. I've proven in the past that this is possible, and it would provide a lot of benefits over the current operator-based system. However, I'm not entirely sure how well the community would handle a change like this.


      You! Staff Team Renovation

      You! Executive Team Renovation



      You! Policies rewritten

    Which ones?


      You! New name

    Absolutely not.


      You! New marketing

    The problem isn't marketing. The problem is retention.


      You! We've rebranded before - we used to be a hell and heaven server.

    That wasn't a rebrand. That was a merge of two servers that were only separate due to technical limitations with how the Nether worked in Multiplayer at the time. When said limitation was resolved, the servers were merged. We have always been known as Total Freedom, even during those days. Changing the name to something else would strip us of the legacy we have been maintaining for literally a decade.


  •   videogamesm12 I am going to add onto this by saying that TotalFreedom from the beginning was created with the intention of giving people as much freedom as possible. This is heavily implied with the name. The idea of a rebrand, especially the part about changing the name, also goes against the very reason this server was created in the first place. We should not be changing the name to fit the server. We should be changing the server to fit the name.
