Telnet Information Guide (Updated Sept 2021)

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Telnet is a useful administrative tool that I believe all of us should be using, not only for logging purposes but due to the extra things it allows us to see such as; disconnect reasons in case of crash chunks, errors occuring in plugins that may need resolved, and banned players attempting to rejoin, as well as the reason they are banned under.

    Since the old thread is a little outdated and a little lax on details I'm going to just drop a short tutorial on how to install and use it.

    Firstly, download one of these two.


    These two clients are extremely similar and give you the same aforementioned benefits. If there are any major differences between the two that I may need to have accounted for, let me know.

    Once the client is downloaded and opened, use the port and press connect.

    And that's you! You should start seeing commands and messages being sent to the server appearing in the log.

    For typing commands, you don't need to type the / beforehand. So instead of typing /eseen shehxlk, you can just type eseen shehxlk and it will output the results. Whatever you type will not be removed from the box upon sending so it's helpful to be familiar with your CTRL + A buttons.

    It's also worth noting several commands can only be performed through telnet despite us having permissions to use them.

    These include, but may not be limited to:

    csay [text], which sends a message into chat like [CONSOLE] shehxlk: text

    saconfig add/remove which is self explanatory. There are less reasons to use this one though.

    Hopefully this guide will prove helpful to those who need it. If there are any mistakes or anything I've missed, let me or someone with post editing permissions know.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • It should also be noted that before you close out of your telnet client, you should save its output to a simple text file for safekeeping. It can be used as vital evidence in future cases where logs are required (e.g. you want to prove someone is bypassing their ban for an upcoming indefinite ban request).


  • Worth noting the aforementioned telnet clients work on Windows. Some admin who use Mac prefers the built-in terminal. You just don't have the tabs and tons of buttons for shortcuts those 2 clients have, along with lines coloured differently for better readability.

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager

  • Small reminder that there’s a bunch of telnet exclude commands which can be found with, only use telnet.stop if it is absolutely necessary (e.g server is lagging extremely bad and bot is down for some reason), if is not responding that Likely means that the server is probably frozen and should be restarted

  • Quote

      Tizz Worth noting the aforementioned telnet clients work on Windows.

    They are actually Java applications, so you should be able to use them on any operating system.

      DragonSlayer2189   You! /stop, telnet.stop , and tf!stop are 3 different ways to trigger the proper shutdown sequence where everything is saved as it should be. tf!kill is the only one that is reserved for emergencies.