Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Quote

      lyicx shame we'll never get a proper way to bring it back to life

    crackhouse 2??

    edit: this post is just bits of my thoughts, sorry if some of it is incohesive

    in all seriousness, back when everyone was on and it was lyicxcorp era, that was honestly the most fun i've had on this server even in it's bad moments
    throughout the drama there was still a fun closely-knit group which helped make totalfreedom a fun thing to return to, when i see a familiar name in the scoreboard
    fucking around with y'all jumping around at spawn was great, even when we had to figure out our own issues.
    despite most of the crackhead gang being split apart because of school, work, and suspensions (fuck @"fionn"#3) i'm glad that you are still active and helping out this server


      lyicx i was allowed this instant path to the top

    you were allowed this because you deserve it, you are an integral part of the server now since that you have such a vibrant personality and i hope that you will always be you, this applies to @"bowie"#20 and anyone else i've spoken to throughout the times - i appreciate you all as being someone we could talk or mess around with

    on the same note, i'm proud of @"Rhymix"#45 for everything that he's done - for the 3 art pieces he's given me showing his transform of his art styles but also being a person for me to dm whenever i wanted to share something, play league, etc
    i'm thankful for ajax and dan for helping me code smpitems 1, which really helped me get on my way for incentive to start researching code at home but also for being friends (this applies to fionn, elmon, ron, etc)

    totalfreedom, as sappy as it sounds, will always have a place in my heart thanks to you and countless others i could count at the top of my head for a server i could hop on and relax for a few hours, some of the roleplay back then skipped time fast (the corps, even the horror things with ajax, bowie and lyicx).
    i want to thank everyone, especially ryan (not pinging him lol) for keeping this server alive even when the server itself changes - i will always remember totalfreedom as how it used to be.

    i wished i knew that those were the good times before it wasn't, so we could've done a bigger event before we all left

    edit 2: quick list of honourable mentions:
    @"Luke"#19 - good guy but also a bitch
    @"scripthead"#151 - seth kelly
    @"super"#57 - great coder, helped me code
    @"Rhymix"#45 - fat ass
    @speed - dan coding 45, alongside fionn was one of the first people i met
      videogamesm12 - logs copium
    @"fionn"#3 - fionn
    @"elmon"#17 - fly high brother
    @"shrimp"#10 - just a bitch
    @"lyicx"#21 - on the last months of actual admin, one of the few people i enjoyed being on the server with
    @"Lykhant"#9 - great artist, great person, you had a lot to deal with with the voice (and subsequently gender reveal) yet you stood strong throughout the weirdos
    @"bowie"#20 - great person, fun to hang around with and one of the most strongest people i know on the server
    @"Cacteu"#35 - surprisingly i haven't dmed him on discord? idk. great guy to talk to although 2 ryans confuse me
    if i think of anyone else i'll add it to the list

  • This may not be noticed but looking past from how I and Lyicx joke and insult each other, Im seriously grateful to have Lyicx as a friend ever since ESL and before. Starting only in 2020, It's actually been abit now. We have grown to understand and learn from each other which I'm very grateful for.

    Not only were you my friend but a teacher, thought me things that I wasn't aware of, how to run events and what not, still not good at it but it's your hard work, you are the glue and tape that keeps this community together.

    I appreciate everything you have done to the community and me, continue being you.

  • a quick tid bit, i forgot to mention this i think when i was typing this but i do actually read the comments on my senior app when im actually like fucking upset and does actually make myself feel a little better

    thought those people who left a paragraph know their efforts

    cc: @"RedEastWood"#47, @"Ivan"#500, @"erin"#107, @"ClayCoconut"#130

    there was a few other comments there too but to be fair i've mentioned most of those people in the original thread anyhow

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • i cant believe so many people are copying me now smh, just remember i did it before it was cool to

    ...and that pretty much everything i've said still stands

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey