REMINDER: Discord Server

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • A very quick security reminder to folks, TotalFreedom only has A SINGLE Discord server, which you can join on this Invite link -

    I would ask that people are aware that there are a number of fake Discord server claiming to be in some way associated with our community, though they are not in any way associated and are likely attempting to gain personal information about you, compromise your accounts and generally put your online security at risk.

    I will also remind folks within the community that creating such servers has always been a Discord Category 1 offence (Unappealable) and is now classed as a Category 0 Offence across the TF Network which will result in a ban from all platforms with no grounds to appeal. I'd also like to take the time to remind folks that advertising such content may also be seen as a Category 0, 1 or 2 offence depending on the context and frequency of such advertisements.

    Please stay safe, if you want to communicate with the wider community here on Discord, please do so using our official Discord community and not through fakes / wannabees / knock-off ones.

    Thanks all.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK