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  • Banisher Class Scarab
    Banisher Lore: The Banisher Class Scarab was designed after, during combat testing, a QI Terminator defeated a Scarab, which, for reference, was originally a T1, but was deemed fit for T2 Status, which means it used T2 Endermatter, which is a pretty big difference. The Banisher Class Scarab is a T12 (At the Base Level, increases with the Model Z's Tier) Elite Scarab, The Banisher Class Scarab is the first Ground Unit to be armed with a Giga-Railgun.
    When it knows its about to die (which, they are sentient of course, but their personality, memories and conciousness are backed up, and respawning units take priority over new units), it will lower to the ground, and explode, when it does this, there's a pod with 500 Mini-Zerglings that will get literally everywhere when it explodes, which, this is a full sized zerglingwhich, a full sized one looks like this btw:, These Zerglings have tiers relative to the Tier of the Banisher, and by extension, The Model Z, and they also have armor and shields specialized to not take damage from the explosion of the Banisher. On the front of the Banisher is a Volatile Ender Energy Beam Cannon, capable of absolutely decimating the shields, as to allow the giga-railgun to deal more damage, as the Giga-Railgun will do less damage to shields, and more damage to armor, but deals its base damage to hull, its the reverse with the laser, dealing more to shields and less to armor, base damage to hull, this concept applies universally to all ender empire weapons, except for the existential eradicator beam, that thing is an absolute beast of a weapon.

    On a different note: Im working on a new ship called the EndTech P-Body, its a Model Z Elite unit that will redirect shots of high-priority weapons by thinking with portals!
    Thoughts on the Banisher?

    Endermatter Cat-Person with wings and Magic who follows the Cat Religion.

    "Never Surrender."