List of useful mods for administrating

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  • Starting in 2020, I began to use mods to aid in my administrative duties. Many admins have asked me what mods I use, so in this thread I'm going to list some of the most useful mods I use. Check back from time to time just in case I missed anything.

    • Replay Mod: Allows you to record your sessions on the server automatically (after configuring it to do so) and save them to a file smaller than what you would get by recording your screen. This is perfect for collecting evidence to use in Indefinite Ban Requests.

    • Hotbars+: Written by yours truly. Allows you to save far more saved hotbars than just 9. This is good for preserving evidence (e.g. an exploit item you retrieved) without worrying about needing to overwrite existing saved hotbars. It also contains a backup feature, which I've been told has been an ass-saver on many occasions.

    • AdvancedChat: This allows you to create filters for messages and split them out into separate tabs. This is great for having a dedicated tab for admin chats, reports, and regular chat. Not compatible with Wurst.

    • Hacked Clients: Not a specific mod in particular, however hacked clients have a lot of features which can be used for administrative purposes (NBT manipulation, viewing an item's NBT, resisting annoying effects, and more). I personally use Meteor as Wurst has a tendency to break other mods (e.g. AdvancedChat). This doesn't mean Meteor doesn't have its own share of incompatibility issues because it does (doesn't work with OptiFine, breaks Replay Mod recording playback).

    • W95: An administrative mod I've been working on which aims to help make administrating a bit easier. Release is TBD, however initial testing has shown promising results.

    • Not Enough Crashes: Changes your game's behavior to send you to the title screen instead of outright closing itself. When dealing with client-crashing exploits, this mod is a must-have.


  •   DragonSlayer2189 It is worth mentioning that recent testing has shown something in BleachHack breaks W95's Supervisor GUI. I'm not sure if BleachHack is using Java Swing and is enabling headless mode or what, but the GUI I had for the Supervisor wouldn't work until BleachHack was disabled. Just out of curiosity though, what is BleachHack's creator's username?


  • @"riawo"#52 has said they can't use TLauncher anymore (looks like age restrictions are active) which was used for Forge mods. My guess is it only affects unofficial launcher.

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager