Blockedit doesn't seem to affect AWE

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  • Date and Time (please include the timezone): 26/08/21 4:20 UTC
    Describe the bug or exploit: After their block modification privileges were blocked in order for me to attempt to dissuade them from further griefing, the player was able to continue using his worldedit brush to grief. Obviously this is going to cause problems as worldedit is a common tool used by players which may require their ability to modify blocks to be removed for whatever reason.
    Plugin(s) impacted: Asynchronous Worldedit + TotalFreedomMod.
    Expected behaviour (if known): Player is unable to use worldedit operations to edit blocks when blockedit is enabled.
    Step to reproduce: Blockedit a player and have them attempt to perform worldedit modifications

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.