Can we please chill out on the shitposts that is the same joke repeated

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • this is legitimately annoying me at this point, because it's the same four people doing this

    posts like this or this or this or this, to name a few. Yeah, they're in S&D but if you'd notice they were originally posted in deep discussion, general discussion, etc.

    To quote Caleb, you are not funny, slow down with the shitposts. It's legitimately fucking annoying at this point, especially since the jokes are the same "ur mum" "among us" "1984" kind of bullshit that's rampant in Discord, too. please stop. it's not funny anymore.

    can i ask sanctions start being handed out for people who still misplace those threads (intentionally that is) because so far there's only been one warning and this trend seems to be getting more common.


  • Quote

      Luke can i ask sanctions start being handed out for people who still misplace those threads (intentionally that is) because so far there's only been one warning and this trend seems to be getting more common.

    I've tried to be somewhat lenient on this because the only way Flarum let's me sanction people is to suspend them for X Days. Which I will be starting to give out more as this is annoying me that I'm wasting my time moderating stuff that people shouldn't be shit posting in the first place.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • as a shitpost connoisseur, i agree. if your gonna make it shitpost, at least make it semi funny or ironic. i have developed a category of shitposts that i call "heat death posts" which includes ur mom jokes and amongus jokes. heat death posts should be avoided. i guess the whole 1984 joke or like the society joke. i don't like them, but im mainly focused on ending the ur mom jokes and most of all the amongus posts. to quote markiplier, "i dont like this, i hate this but im mainly concerned with this.

  • GG folks, first ban issued.

    14 Days and I will absolutely increase it by a significant amount per person I ban.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  •   JagWire

    I think one of the main reasons people don't follow the forum guidelines as much as we used to is mainly due to the fact that punishments aren't as 'simple' as they were on ProBoards. For example, I recall getting a fair few amount of warnings before a FSR was filed against me last year. However, on Flarum, you apparently only have the ability to throw out bans for a set amount of days. This means that actually pushing the rules on people is harder.

    There's also been much less Forum Sanction Requests about than there used to be and I think they need to make a return. Admins and OPs can both file them (as we've seen in the past) so maybe they need to be updated to Flarum's standards. This means that we should make it so that certain rule breakings get a 1 or 2 day ban on the forum, instead of a warning.