Re-Adding NBT Paste for ops

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  • NBT Paste 16

    1. Yes (5) 31%
    2. No (10) 63%
    3. Neutral (1) 6%

    This would be insanely useful in various builds, and its not like there's really anyone to use it maliciously because the dudes who would use it maliciously are basically all gone at this point, and if they do use it maliciously, thats why bans exist, i see no reason not to add NBT paste back into the game for everyone to use.

    Edit 1: a possible solution to people making huge amounts of crash chunks with w/e, is to limit the amount of nbt that can be pasted, when a chunk reaches the threshold for a crash chunk, have a plugin clear it, that way, its on a per-chunk basis instead of a per-paste basis, removing the possible NBT restrictions when pasting, for example, a model z would have a crapton of NBT, and if combined into 1 spot, could create a crash chunk, but because it would be seperated into hundreds of chunks, that crash chunk never comes into existence, thus giving a decent solution to potentially allow NBT paste

    Endermatter Cat-Person with wings and Magic who follows the Cat Religion.

    "Never Surrender."

  • > Malicious player creates a chest containing a huge amount of NBT
    > Player then saves that chest as multiple schematics with various names to avoid detection
    > Player can now create chunkbans extremely easily with these schematics by simply pasting multiple copies



  • can i make a small request for you to not use polls as consistency wise it kind of irritates me as we got all these suggestions with votes with reasons then we got a poll on something that might actually be of contraversy

    speaking of which im not sure if it should be reimplimented because the guys who exploited it are gone so probably not a good idea until it cant do dumbass shit

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • Object. The people who use it maliciously aren't "all gone." This was a giant security issue that TF had that it doesn't have anymore and it should stay that way.

  • a possible solution to people making huge amounts of crash chunks with w/e, is to limit the amount of nbt that can be pasted, when a chunk reaches the threshold for a crash chunk, have a plugin clear it, that way, its on a per-chunk basis instead of a per-paste basis, removing the possible NBT restrictions when pasting, for example, a model z would have a crapton of NBT, and if combined into 1 spot, could create a crash chunk, but because it would be seperated into hundreds of chunks, that crash chunk never comes into existence, thus giving a decent solution to potentially allow NBT paste

    Endermatter Cat-Person with wings and Magic who follows the Cat Religion.

    "Never Surrender."

  •   Zarcana That doesn't fix another issue that isn't caused by oversized NBT.
    > Malicious player places a block containing a server-crashing exploit but doesn't use it
    > Player then creates multiple schematics with the exploit under various names to make them difficult to find
    > The exploit gets blocked off by a plugin like VulnerabilityPatcher, which does not take WorldEdit into account
    > Player now has a way to bypass VulnerabilityPatcher and continue to crash the server

    This has happened before in 2019, and I really hated trying to track down all of the exploit schematics.

    WorldEdit is a clusterfuck to modify and compile. A change like the one you suggested would require a significant amount of effort, and considering the tiny development team we have at the moment, that really isn't feasible.


  • Quote

      Zarcana not like there's really anyone to use it maliciously because the dudes who would use it maliciously are basically all gone at this point

    What's your source for this, lol? Malicious players are always going to join the server.


      Zarcana and if they do use it maliciously, thats why bans exist

    Our server isn't actively moderated 24/7. Sure, it might be fine to say "let's unblock it and just punish as stuff happens" in some cases, but not in the case in which a player can easily load and paste schematics to crash players, or worse, the server. Especially when, even to an active staff member, seeing someone innocently pasting schematics (unless they're named servercrasher.schem which they might not be) is not an immediate red flag.

    So yeah, it's better to just.. not let people create easy crash chunks.


      Zarcana i see no reason not to add NBT paste back into the game for everyone to use.

    Should've gone to Specsavers

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • If someone can provide a sane solution to re-enable NBT that The dev team, @"videogamesm12"#4 and @"Panther"#54 are all content with (Because I sure as hell don't know enough about NBT to be an authority on the matter) then we can roll with it, but that is and continues to be my position on the matter. I don't mind re-enabling it, but we need to be able to safeguard the server...


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Bump again because I've not seen a good answer to my last question, and want to give folks half a chance here.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • i can see this being done in a sane way if we fork worldedit to have our custom checks in the paste and schem loading functionalities. because we use AWE (closed source) that's not possible from the plugin itself.

    it could work if we could explicitly whitelist which blocks to support nbt paste, and if panther is willing to advise about it. containers are the obvious bad guys but if we don't use a whitelist i'm sure something like beehives would slip through the cracks.

    vouch if an actionable solution is presented

  • @'Ryan' How about a playtime limit? Kind of a "You need X hours of playtime to unlock this feature". I doubt a ill-attentioned person would spend a day or two of game time just to unlock NBT pasting.

    Otherwise, since the Master Builder has been recently deemed to be a "display of skills" they could be awarded that permission.

    Or as a third option, we could set a upper limit for NBT, something like "x kb per block".

    The last thing I could think of is applying for NBT paste. Having a hidden "rank" (kind of like how discord handles roles and permissions?) that grants you access to that and to which you can apply to by simply asking. Were you to abuse that, an admin will remove your extra worldedit permissions and sanction you.

    A fool's fool fools fools who foolishly accept the foolishness of a fool's fool.

  • personally im loving those 3rd and 4th options, dont know about devs tho, there might be some hidden law of quantum physics that somehow prevents them from doing so

    Endermatter Cat-Person with wings and Magic who follows the Cat Religion.

    "Never Surrender."

  • Quote

      Folfy_Blue Or as a third option, we could set a upper limit for NBT, something like "x kb per block".

    The last thing I could think of is applying for NBT paste. Having a hidden "rank" (kind of like how discord handles roles and permissions?) that grants you access to that and to which you can apply to by simply asking. Were you to abuse that, an admin will remove your extra worldedit permissions and sanction you.

    Any further input on these two suggestions? Given this was already bumped by Ryan a week ago, this will probably be the last window for discussion before an approved/denied tag is applied.