Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Regarding Luke. Regarding Lyicx. Regarding Ryan. Regarding Regarding. This. Is. Not. Funny. Why do you assume that this outdated Joke is still funny in modern day TotalFreedom (TF)? I don't understand. I do not. Understand. This is NOT funny. It is not funny to spout the exact same "joke" over and over. It is not funny. It has been 8 months. Get over it. Lyicx, if you wanna cry then continue but I guarantee I shall not feel any pity or remorse; only joy and laughter. Henceforth I, _PHR (Luke) ban any and all references to "regarding". You are not funny people, Lyicx is not a funny person, and fuck you Bowie and Folfy. I hate you all. I am going to boil my own piss so you guys don't have to since you love it so much. I have better things to be doing than to be listening to your bullshit, you know? I have people to see, friends to meet, people to cancel on twitter and instead I'm wasting my time on TotalFreedom (TF). This is RIDICULOUS and ABHORRENT that I am WASTING my time here.

    fuck kanst
