Permanent Ban Appeal

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
    1. Minecraft name: ErickpintoMC2021

    2. Discord username and discriminator (username#discriminator) (if any): Nope

    3. Approximate date of indefinite ban: April 2020 (It's too long to get banned!)

    4. Reason for indefinite ban. Please do not lie and try to be sincere and apologize as applicable: I was banned because I was a serial griefer and troller and I was being a dick for my username even it wasn't FAIR!!!!!!!! D:<

    5. Do you agree to follow our server rules (see and the rules in place on the forum (, and all the conditions stated above? Yes, I agree.

    6. Please provide the one IP that you will be using to login to the server. If you don't know it, visit and cut and paste the result. All other IPs that you used to get indefinitely banned will remain indefinitely banned. Don't provide a VPN IP.

    Before I finish this, I want to owe an apology to StevenNL2000 for me being raged with I cannot appeal for 90 Fucking Days, I mean come on! 90 Days? I want to tell everybody that 2020.................was a bad year. I was so sad all because first I was permanently banned from this server and my crazy parents making this summer Terrible. You know who I can't apologize to?............James. Yes I'm talking to you James, you are the worst person in all of TotalFreedom EVER!!!! THAT'S WHAT I DO! I CHANGE MY USERNAME EVERY FUCKING YEAR!!!!!! THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!! AND NOW YOU TRIED TO MAKE ME A CRIMINAL!!!!!!! UUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, I'm so sorry to StevenNL2000, I'm sorry to the people of this server and I'm sorry to this entire server. Please forgive me! I will be a better person, I will not say the n word, I will not serial grief and I will not be a troll. Thanks for reading this message.

  • Quote

    @'ErickpintoMC2021' You know who I can't apologize to?............James. Yes I'm talking to you James, you are the worst person in all of TotalFreedom EVER!!!! THAT'S WHAT I DO! I CHANGE MY USERNAME EVERY FUCKING YEAR!!!!!! THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!! AND NOW YOU TRIED TO MAKE ME A CRIMINAL!!!!!!! UUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is my reason for objecting. You were banned well over a full year ago and for some reason something about it is still pissing you off to that degree. If you're doing this on your ban appeal over something that happened a year ago, how are you going to act when something doesn't go your way on the server?

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • this cant be real
    reading this is on the same level of a 7 year old posting about why dream is the best minecraft youtuber and using way too many 😠 emojis, im getting the exact same energy from this appeal


  • You really need to calm down, I'm not trying to be mean here, but it's true. The reason why people are objecting to this appeal is because of the hissy fit you threw in the last part of the appeal. If you stayed calm, your chances of getting unbanned would have been a lot higher than it is now. You may disagree with the 90 day cooldown you have been given, but you need to learn how to disagree in a calm manner.

  • in point 4, you say that you were banned for being a serial griefer/troll and that's being banned for that is unfair -- i fail to see how that's unfair lol. you broke the rules, you got punished for it.

    also the whole ending bit and sob story about how you got banned, but then proceed to call out an admin and call them the worst person on this server?

    again, you got punished for breaking rules. get over it.



  • you absolutely fingered yourself when you busted out the targetted call outs, the capitals and the exclamation marks. the entire back of the room is laughing at you for your lack of temper and composure in your final message that doesn't contain such deepest sympathy or genuine apologetic nature

    you will go down in the history books for this.


    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey