1. Your discord tag. (Ex: elmon#6023)
- Sceptor#8372
2. If known, who banned you? (this can be checked)
- Ryan Wild
3. If known, do you know what time you were approximately banned?
- 09/08/2021 1PM BST
4. Why do you think you were banned? (this can also be checked)
- I said "I hate blacks" and "white supremacy" and was banned for 'racism'
5. Explain why you think you should be unbanned, and promise to never do whatever you did again. If your reason remains unknown, you may skip this question.
- Albeit, it probably wasn't a funny joke to some, however I had no ill-intent when saying these. These were said directly in context with something someone else posted as to where they were jokingly calling me a "white supremacist", I responded to this by saying "ah yes, i hate blacks" "white supremacy" in an obvious sarcastic tone. It seems as if someone cropped this and sent it to Ryan.