today i've streamed, and i want to do more....

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Hey everyone.

    i dont know how many tuned in but in lieu of my good internet i decided to test out my capability to stream. it was doing okay for the stream although needed some tweeks to OBS (thanks to help from @Reperak, i've managed to adjust it perfectly for a 480p stream thats stable.)

    the stream went on for about two hours and i've got some good engagement from ops and some admins alike. i personally had a fun time talking to you all and doing dumb shit in totalfreedom.

    heres the analytics for the stream and we managed to hit a viewer limit of 13. its not much to brag about but in my book given the fact that it was a test stream and came out of nowhere and im not even at 50 subs. AND the quality was dogshit. i think this was a successful stream

    thing is though now i've got this all stable and ready to go im thinking of streaming more things more often. may not always be totalfreedom related but i've probably got a few ideas to line up. i would like to know personally if people would watch and at what times would be best and shit. i think i might stream tomorrow at 7PM GMT of me engaging with the totalfreedom community like i do and maybe get a few bans and whatnot and thereon would continue a frequent basis of streaming on Fridays at 7PM GMT again granted if tomorrow's stream proves successful.

    i hope to see a lot of you there. i wont link the archive to the previous stream because Rex says words that are against some rules because of him being classic banter or my channel unless i get an all clear from someone to do so but its not hard to find either.

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • Quote

    @lyicx#1898 it was doing okay for the stream although needed some tweeks to OBS (thanks to help from @Reperak, i've managed to adjust it perfectly for a 480p stream thats stable.)

    I think this means you've already got it sorted out, but it is much better to stream in a lower quality than to force a quality that your internet connection cannot handle. This is why your stream looked extremely blocky.

  • @StevenNL2000#1922 yeah i've soon realised this and i had my doubts this would work well going in. but a friend of mine suggested to stream at 1000 bitrate and 1080p

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey