Looking for a new phone, maybe Android

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  •   Shdwo Ohh noo someone has a different preference to you 😭😭😭 what a twat

    In regards to phones though, I started using a Moto G10 recently. Decent phone from what I've seen and well priced. I've not really looked into how well it performs for games and shit, cause fuck mobile games, but if you just want a phone with a good battery life and does everything you really need a phone to do, it's a viable option. The G30 is supposedly a fair bit better for not much more cost-wise, but I can't confirm this

    Tbh as long as it isn't a Samsung you're pretty much fine with most recent android phones

  • Just a warning - The thread asked for recommendations on phones, not if iOS or Android is superior. Save that for another thread please people.

    iPhone wise - I've not used iPhone since the 7 Plus, but my understanding is that FaceID is excellent and a lot of folks I do know with iPhones don't miss the finger print reader, it has been suggested that this years iPhone will have an under screen finger print reader, but that'd likely be above your budget anyway based on apple pricing (Though that's not always a real "saving", there's a great LTT Video floating around explaining why buying last years phones aren't often actually cheaper!).

    Android Wise - I tend to recommend OnePlus, I've currently got a OnePlus 7T Pro as my daily driver and love it, and have heard good things about the OmePlus Nord and other newer OnePlus phones. The only drawback with them is you lose the sleekness of the Apple EcoSystem, and they certainly don't hold their value especially compared to iPhone.

    I'm personally switching back to iPhone just because I'm struggling to find Android phones that really give me what I'm looking for, and given I have a MacBook I use most of the time when I am at home and am not working, going back to the EcoSystem will just be nicer all around. The only drawback I have with iPhone is the lack of USB-C, but I think I'll have to live with that (Especially as I've got a work iPhone now, it won't be so big of a deal).


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Quote

      Shdwo If you're going for quality for a cheap price, go for any of the Samsung A-Series phones, they average around £140-£200 which is very good for what you get. I recently bought a Samsung A21S, cost me about £140 and it's more than I expected, great camera, great quality, just all-around great things.

    This. I have a Galaxy A71, and it's amazing. High quality camera (Ashaz, I've sent you examples before I think) and runs really well. I'd go for the Galaxy A72 though, that's within your range I think.


  • I’d stay with an iPhone if that’s what you’ve used previously. I switched to a Huawei P20 about 3 years ago and couldn’t wait until my contract ended so I could go back to iPhone.

    The only Android device I’d probably buy now is a Samsung flip phone, and even then, it would just be because of the fact that it flips.

  •   elmon

    im going to shock people with yet again another unpopular take as im fucking full of them.

    removable backs > trays

    dont care. i fucking hate needing a pin mostly because i end up fucking losing it because its incredibly small. me when i have to look for another small object on the admittedly rare occurrence i have to actually access the tray. yes, useful for the average joe bla bla bla but very inconvenient when you need to force the thing off or deciding one day you need to change a card and the pin isn't in the box because they're incredibly small. or what if the fucking battery need replacement. all rare but i just prefer the ease to repair and access over a flimsy fucking tray you need a tool to eject and my phone not breaking like lego when it gets dropped. which i'd say to the latter just get a case if you frequently drop it.

    i've been thinking a bit of my next phone too once my A20 is completely out of life (broke, i will genuinely use it till the day it dies like my J3. ill fucking custom rom it if i need to) and honestly part of me thinking to go the iOS route, one which back in the day i frowned upon but it feels more viable for me nowadays since siding with one operating system is a bit of a childish concept to me now. both seem to have their gains and drawbacks. iOS seems simple, faster and actually seems to have some sort of respect for privacy at a huge cost of a kidney but Android is highly customizable and affordable at half the speed and tied to google shit more which can be a good or bad thing depending on your take and software on it is subject to the manufacturer which is a bit annoying. but im not completely sure yet. i think it will be a while even after EOL will i even actually replace it.

    for the love of god though. just anything but huawei/honor. i had a Honor 9 lite and lets just say it's left an awfully shit taste in my mouth and it didn't last that long and leave it at that.

    but honestly, i recommend taking   Shdwo's take on the Samsung A Series as i can legitimately vouch for them. like i said i still have the A20 and i dont see myself buying a new phone in the near future because it serves its function (i.e lets me use discord, youtube, browse shit and watch a fuck ton of porn) at a respectable speed albeit being about 3 or so years old now. although probably not my exact phone as it looks like its received its final OneUI version update (Android 11) so thats is a sign end of support is coming for it which means time to use custom roms 🤓

    the A22 (Which seems to be a thing now) would be better off on the supported side of things if you want the more modern equivalent to my phone but honestly with your budget you could probably go balls to the wall A72 or maybe even a samsung flagship. a lot of people do vouch for pixels and oneplus's in this thread. also seemingly good options although never had personal experience with any of those lines

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  •   lyicx your penis should be small enough to access the tray.


    @'Ryan' I tend to recommend OnePlus, I've currently got a OnePlus 7T Pro as my daily driver and love it, and have heard good things about the OmePlus Nord and other newer OnePlus phones.

    I have the OnePlus 8T and used to have the 5T. Well worth every penny.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   Shyrix

    Yeah I used the Moto G6 play for a few months in 2019. I hated it though after a while, and I mean hated it. This is because when I upgraded it to Android 8 or 9 (can’t remember which one) I couldn’t switch off Dolby Atmos so my phone was really loud. Thanks though, I’ll consider looking into that area.

    Edit: As for the other responses, I’ve read through them and will research more tomorrow. Thanks guys!

  • My opinion has changed
    Don't get an iPhone, IOS 15 is coming and it's scary.
    Apple now will scan all photos on your iCloud for CP, and while this may seem like a good idea, it's not.
    It may be justified by "oh it's to catch predators, this is good," but it sets a precedent of Apple looking through your photos.
    Who's to say that they won't take this as far as they can? Google admitted to tracking you when you are in incognito, who's to say Apple won't do the same with your photos? Are you really going to trust them to keep their word, because I sure don't.
    tl;dr apple is now spying on your photos, dont trust them


  • if you're in middle/junior/high school then probs just the newest iphone you can afford.

    if you have anything else you are a dweeb with no clout

    if you are a social reject then an android is probably not bad because you'll have no friends/bitches to facetime or play imessage games with anyways. keep your "security," "headphone jack," and "replaceable battery." ill keep my social life

  • lmfaoooo if your friends and social life are dependent on the kind of phone you have, you really need to rethink what you're doing with your life

    anyway, i'd say go with the Pixel line of phones, like the 4a.
