Suggestion: Make Flatlands have sections

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  • Flatlands currently just has the base flatlands with grass colors for biomes. What im thinking is, what if we add huge sections for each biome along the edge of flatlands? And i also mean EACH biome. Even the void. They could be built like a custom superflat world. It doesn't have to be implemented right NOW, but maybe next reset.

  • object, the setbiome command from worldedit can change the biome of your selection to any given biome.

    the current worldgen has natural blending between biomes which makes it a lot less jarring to fly through. i think it is best left the way it is and leave players to set specific sections manually.

    furthermore you are underestimating how many transitional biomes there are. for every biome ("jungle") there are several transitional biomes or variants ("jungle_hills", "jungle_edge", "modified_jungle", "modified_jungle_edge"). it's worse when a biome supports multiple kinds of trees, like the taiga. there are 10 different taiga biomes, and among those there are maybe 3 different grass colors.

  • Worth also noting currently flatlands is literally infinite so there is no "edge" as it were.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • @'Ryan' my understanding is that unless otherwise specified, the implementation of any world generator is relative to 0,0. this suggestion is probably under 20 lines: a for loop for x containing a for loop for z to define the chunk boundary, and another to iterate through the biomes and set it. maybe more to define what blocks go at which y levels.

    my stance is not that this is technically difficult to implement, just that it's a major unnecessary change which will not look as good as it does in this guy's head.

    in fact, next reset, i would be more in favor of making all chunks default to one biome, like plains or jungle, than i would for them to be in patches like the OP's suggestion. but i am happy enough with the vanilla biome setup we have already.

  •   FromTimeToTime We have some changes we will make next reset anyway, mainly the introduction of a world border to help limit world sizes.

    And I don't doubt we could do something like this, my point was more that the world doesn't end so there isn't an "edge" to it. We could do all sorts but having various biomes around one on the grounds none of them should ever end would be weird.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • If the suggestion is to change just the biome and keep the terrain superflat, I don't really see the point because the changes are rather subtle, and if you're particularly annoyed by them, there is //setbiome.

    On the other hand, if the suggestion is to have actual terrain generation for these biomes, that is interesting, but also very awful to implement because of the way seeds and world generation work in Minecraft.