Building techniques and methods

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  • I am still rather awful at building even with a bit over 10 years of playing Minecraft. I know a lot of little tricks for detail such as with stair orientation, etc but I can never seem to make anything look good at scale. I suspect this has to do with a lack of planning techniques for building. Anyway, some pointers would be appreciated.

  • My main thing I would recommend is Stairs

    The majority of my builds are stairs, if I’m making a flat wall I will make it out of stairs to make engravings in it.

    It totally pops out more and it’s more pleasing to your eyes than just a flat ugly wall.

    I’d also recommend building from the ground up rather than doing it section by section. And doing interior last.

  • From my expirences, an easy way to make your builds look at least a little bit better is to focus on adding Depth
    using stairs and slabs on walls to add a bit there, or adding some trapdoors along edges of the walls, ect. are all good ways to do this.
    Another important thing to consider is messing with the shape of your build, everyone's seen a generic box for a house, but making it an L shape or a T Shape, can add some more character to your build, just make sure that your roof still looks good

  • like others said, depth is kinda important. other than that there isn't any good way to learn to build besides just practicing - imo watching tutorials limits the development of your own style. also dont build with shaders

  • honestly, I have never practiced building methods from tutorials on minecraft ever, apart from a little organics a long time ago.

    Think about your picture of what you want to build in your head as it would be in real life.

    Take into account utility, what do people use these rooms for, what would people walking around this town find useful or what would be the path people would use to get from one place to another.

    In nature use randomness or what would happen in nature for details (ie meanders, banks and falls on rivers and randomness for wild fields and flowers).

    In civilization use utility/patterns and also be free to use what you find looks good because people do it all the time in real life. Think about wear and tear, what places would feature what (ie churches and shops in population centers, maybe gardens, nature reserves and sparser and sparser houses further out from population centers).

    In terms of detail, im not really sure where to go but knowing absence of detail can be really useful when used in contrast to alot of detail.

    I hope this helps, although i feel like im sort of just rambling but yeah.