my real ban appeal (KriTikal___Error) probably going to get denied tho...

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
    1. Minecraft name: ImmortalityLord/KriTikal___Error/_Plasmaflux

    2. Discord username and discriminator (username#discriminator) (if any): MemerMan#2168 (discord)

    3. Approximate date of indefinite ban: i actually don't know uhhh somewhere in december of last year i think

    4. Reason for indefinite ban. Please do not lie and try to be sincere and apologize as applicable: uhhhh it think it was like trolling a bit too hard and crashing the server a couple of times, also crashing the hub and the main server wasnt me mostly it was members of a group im in. Basically the person who crashed the lobby those times was Crazyon, and i also only crashed freedom1 about like 4 times, (the reason i didnt crash the hub is because my pc is shitty and cant use the crash method crazyon was using) and i wont develope crash exploits and be a toxic little shit in the chat
      also the ban appeal i made a couple months ago was a obvious joke and uh yeah the main reason i want to join the server is to see little skids using my kits lol ok anyway i kinda hope this doesnt get denied but if it does i'll stick to minehut and not join on any alts.

    5. Do you agree to follow our server rules (see and the rules in place on the forum (, and all the conditions stated above? yeah

    6. Please provide the one IP that you will be using to login to the server. If you don't know it, visit and cut and paste the result. All other IPs that you used to get indefinitely banned will remain indefinitely banned. Don't provide a VPN IP.

  • Object

    Here's the original indef for reference. It was in fact in March this year, not December of last year.

    This user not only purposely distributed crash kits and crash items for the sole purpose of ruining the playing experience for others, however he committed several other violations. He bypassed his original ban with several other alts and did the exact same thing as the first, he then crashed both freedom servers and the hubs and demanded ransom from ryan for their release.

    (Note that this was only 3 months ago)

    After that, he and his friends decided it was a good idea to spam me and start calling me the nword.


    !And we can't forget the worst of them all, he insulted our supreme leader ryan

    The point i'm trying to make here is that you knew ill of your actions, which were committed not so long ago, and still continued to carry them out. IMO It's too early for your sanction to be lifted, and if it was ... i'd expect a half decent apology ... not just this:

    This in no way shows that you are actually sorry for your actions and are willing to change your behaviour.

  •   Shdwo you didnt even read it all the way, i said my pc was shit so i couldnt do crap on the hub. And i only crashed freedom1 about 4 times

  • Objection.

    If I recall correctly, knowing of your imminent indefinite ban you put out a kit filled with crash items in an attempt to get people to follow your footsteps.

    Your behaviour also doesn't seem to have changed too much in the months following your ban, and your reasoning for your appeal is flawed. You actually deflected the blame if I'm reading your appeal correctly.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   erin Actually i filled those kits up with crash exploits on an alt account. I've been indef banned for a while. (on my main) and my behaviour has changed, thats why i made a genuine appeal.