Indefinite Ban Appeal (LapisHusky)

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Minecraft name:
    LapisHusky, my username when I was banned might have been _UI or Corruptness.

    Discord username and discriminator:

    Approximate date of indefinite ban:
    I think it was 1-2 years ago.

    Reason for indefinite ban:
    I broke a lot of rules. I used what's known as bungee exploiting to log into the server with any username while premium was enabled. I crashed the server multiple times using WorldEdit and redstone. I used WorldEdit to build inside of the spawn region. I trapped some people in a protected nether portal. I used VPNs to do some of those.
    I did all of that because I was rebellious. I enjoyed breaking rules just for the sake of breaking rules, and I enjoyed annoying other people. Since my ban, I've taken up a couple new hobbies and became more social and changed myself for the better.
    About 8 months ago, I joined a site called I found a community of coders there, and I decided I wanted to try to fit in with them. I created fun and useful bots in Javascript, and after 2 months I created my own clone of the site, with a websocket server I wrote in Node.js with extra features and some exploits fixed that were in the original server. My clone of the site currently runs on a Linode on Due to changes of ownership and other issues on the site, my websocket server is now the primary websocket server. Throughout those couple months, I met some wonderful people, and I learned a lot about what kind of person I want to be.
    About a year ago, I joined the furry fandom. Despite all the rumors people may have heard about it, some being true and some not, it has a really great community with a lot of positivity and kindness. There are some places in the community that tend to have more toxicity, but I learned to avoid those. I made a lot of friends within the furry fandom, and I took inspiration from them and I'm trying to become a more helpful and kind person myself.
    I have done a lot of bad things on TotalFreedom, other servers, and outside of Minecraft, and I'm sorry for all the issues I caused. I'm sorry for all the time I wasted for people who had to deal with everything I did. I'm hoping people can believe me when I say I've changed. I want to return to TotalFreedom because it was a unique server with a small but active community, and it's stuck in my memory ever since I played on it. There are things people can do on TotalFreedom that they can't on any other server. When I played on the server, I spent part of that time collecting rare items and pvping with them. I also enjoyed playing songs on note blocks with hacked clients, and a few days ago I wrote my own note block music bot in Node.js using Mineflayer. I'm hoping to come back to the server and see what's changed, or find another niche little activity to do.
    Thanks for taking your time to read my appeal.

    Do you agree to follow our server rules and the rules in place on the forum, and all the conditions stated above?
    Yes, I agree to follow all of the rules from now on.

    Please provide the one IP that you will be using to login to the server: