Allow OPs to set custom log in messages.

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  • No offenses to anyone who helped in creating the pre-set of log in messages for OPs to pick from, but the current options to pick from are honestly bad. Not only that, but it feels like some are made /specifically/ for one OP, such as "%rank% %user% thinks that windows server 2019 is the best server OS".

    Not only are the presets to pick from bad, but it costs 2,500 coins to unlock the thing. To put that into perspective, that's 250 successful reactions, or 32 days straight of voting on all platforms for the server. If anyone accumulates 2500 coins, they probably have already poured a /lot/ of time into the server and I believe they could be trusted with simply setting a silly little message that appears when they connect.

    If even through all these efforts the few players that have access to it still sets their login message to something bad or offensive, an admin could easily take action, just like they are currently moderating tags and nicknames.

    A fool's fool fools fools who foolishly accept the foolishness of a fool's fool.

  • Vouch. The options you have are a kick in the teeth - half of them were clearly set by someone for a certain player (example: %user% is a %rankcolor% and a dark side worshipper) and the other half are self deprecating and/or poorly worded. This isn't on.

    If ops aren't being given complete ability to set the login message they want, at least give more options to make the 2500 coin purchase somewhat desirable.

    Edit: realised I've regurgitated half of your points

    Edit2: there is a rather hefty character limit on custom login messages. Namely, 100 characters. This means ones login message can be.. disruptive to say the least. While it's not much of an issue at the moment, I'd say ops might need a lower character limit of they are given free reign of their message.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   StevenNL2000 It was denied only because the request of adding more messages (here's the thread for suggesting more) was approved.

    Meanwhile, I think nothing has happened and players are realising voting so many times for the existing messages is not worth it.

    I still support scrapping that idea and allowing custom messages instead. Looks like it requires less effort from the understaffed dev team.

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager

  • vouch, theres basically no real options and some of them are pretty redundant (name is a shitty rank / name is a terrible rank) and plenty of them are useless (dark side worshipper, windows server 2019), also it would be nice to add guild rank so you can do like what undertails has with his "UnderTails is a Master Builder and an Emperor" but that's probably asking too much for now


  • I'm very much against this, and to be honest would go as far as to say I'd rather remove custom login messages for everyone than make this change... If people want login messages to be added to the list, then by all means suggest it, and the ability to buy packs of them at a discount compared to buying them all individually will be in a later release (I'll even bump that into the August release of TFM given it's clearly desired) but allowing the freeform login message isn't really something that I'm super keen on right now...


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