/ii sign won't edit the correct sign.

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  • Date and Time (please include the timezone): just now, 30/5/21 20:00bst
    Describe the bug or exploit: Modifying a sign with the itemizer command will not modify the sign you are looking at. Rather, it will modify the sign that is the same Y level as your player's head. This means that if you are trying to modify a sign 1 block off the ground but there is another sign above that one, it will modify the top sign instead.
    Plugin(s) impacted: Itemizer.
    Expected behaviour (if known): Sign that the player is looking at should be modified.
    Step to reproduce: Place two blocks with signs on their faces. Look at the bottom sign and use itemizer to edit one of the lines.
    Which server did you find the bug (Freedom-01 or Freedom-02)? Freedom-01
    Can the bug or exploit be reproduced on another server within the network? It should be.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.