change the way spawns work

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  • spawns have just been 1 of the following recently:
    -copy and pasted builds
    -extreme spam of admin skin-related builds (im looking at YOU, shroomp and folfy_blue)
    -plains of amogus
    or they can have all 3 of the above, with the recent plains of copy and pasted shroomps and shroomp amoguses.
    how do we fix it?
    add more parts to spawn. a zone where spam isn't allowed, an area where you can spam, and also a barrier 250 blocks out. the spawns also need to be made smaller because i notice that the larger a spawn is the more people tend to spam around it.
    here are the borders for the first generation of my alternate spawns:
    Red wool: Spawn region. Goes up to 10 blocks out.
    Blue wool: No-spam area. Goes out 64 blocks from the spawn region. (74 total, 64 not counting red wool)
    Lime wool: Spam area. Goes out 96 blocks from the no-spam region. (170 total, 160 not counting red wool)
    Yellow wool: Spawn territory border. Goes out 90 blocks from the spam region. (260 total. 250 not counting red wool)
    This system could probably stop spawn from being flooded in under a day, thus preventing spawn from becoming a trash heap before it changes again. It gives space for people to build without a lyicx blimp, shroomp tower, shroomp field, or any spam build blocking them. You can also spam farther out from the spam region border if the spam area is too spammy. tl;dr, this plan will make spawn no longer be flooded with spam.

  • Object this is far too complicated to be doing every few days and makes moderation much harder and it's just going to be way too much hassle.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • Ah forgot to vote
    We have some guidelines in admin section flexible enough to allow admins to clear / move clutter if they feel it's necessary
    So object for now for Erin's reason

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager

  • @Tizz#19119 i have indeed set out some guidelines with spawn, but more people would like to listen to me scream after being forcekilled then listen to me rave about how shitty spawns are

    a 4 Tier radius was not what i had in mind. i'd just rather the actual spawn was of decent size, pathways to build against around spawn and the tidying of clutter around it (the damage and block spam people do around it that sometimes obstructs the path). i feel this is more involved.

    im not opposed to copy and pasted schematics for the most part as long its an actual build. hell even a dirt house would suffice for me as long as its just something. it does decent populating the place too on the condition thats not everything

    i object to this suggestion

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • @lyicx#19131 Following with this, would it be possible to put up the guidelines somewhere on the forum, or in-game in something like /rules? I've never encountered them and I've built a few spawns for TF

    A fool's fool fools fools who foolishly accept the foolishness of a fool's fool.

  • @Folfy_Blue#19168 its more for admins setting spawn then spawn building. however that is a fair shout. i think the most ill say is that they gotta be fair in size and detail and allow a way to walk directly out of spawn. vague i know but i dont really have an idea of what it'd look like if i were to write it all out

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • Object. This is theoretically a very good system, but players are unfortunately not robots that can have a set of rules programmed into them. As mentioned, the system is complicated, but much more importantly, it is not intuitive, so you will just end up constantly warning new players because they don't know what blue wool means.

  • Object for the reasons given by @StevenNL2000#19190 and lyicx. However, a counter suggestion I am putting here is:

    • Red wool: Spawn area. Only admins may edit this zone.
    • Between red to blue wool: Outer spawn regions. Anything may be built here, but the usage of world edit is disabled, making spam of //paste or //stack impossible.
    • Outer blue wool: Outside area. Here, anything is possible.

    A fool's fool fools fools who foolishly accept the foolishness of a fool's fool.

  • I'm going to decline this, and as much as @"lyicx"#21 will hate me, spawn's as far as I'm concerned are and always will be semi-disposable just down to their very nature.

    Generally speaking admins will set a red wool border which signifies the limits of the WorldGuard region, but beyond that region OP's and anyone for that matter should be allowed to build as they see fit, and the WorldGuard spawn region should be kept to an absolute minimum, just enough really so that the spawn doesn't look an absolute mess on a player first joining.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

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