Add a queue system

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • This may seem like a very odd suggestion, and it kind of is.

    The server currently barely gets more than 15 people on at a time, so why should we add a queue system?

    Well, in the future as I understand we have big plans to grow the server to a larger community, of many many people online at once. If we want to reach that point we should make the server capable of accommodating that many people beforehand, instead of when it’s too late.

    So I suggest we just add some queue plugin that when you try to join freedom-01 or 02 if the server is full it’ll just like put you in a line to get in

    I think that making the server capable to host more people will make us feel more capable to bring in more people, and will overall make the server feel better suited for major growth rather than completely unprepared.

    This would have basically no effect on anyone until we get A TON more players, and we could probably add a veteran queue similar to what 2b2t had for people who joined before july 2021 to be at the very front of the line or something.

    A priority queue could also make the server some great revenue in the far far future.

    So yeah.

  • This might be something the Devs may want to look into in the future but right now at the proper peak, the server is usually about 1/3 of its maximum threshold.

    I just don't see something like this being enough of a priority especially when there's so many active and well favoured suggestions out there that may improve player retention to the point where we may eventually need this idea.

    I'd rather see time being spent coding things that will help the server grow and thrive rather than on something like this. If we start to average 65+ players on a good day then I'm sure a queue would be looked at. But for now, I'm objecting.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • Our slots are big enough - 75 on freedom-01 and 40 on freedom-02. If the servers constantly get full, we will increase as much as we can. This is why I'm denying this suggestion.

    We may visit the queue system in the future, but that is not likely.