indefinite ban release form


    time since ban: a little over a year.

    update: found what the thing was, "force OP" uses the same telnet thing i was talking about.

    1. Minecraft name:Sliggs_

    2. Discord username and discriminator (username#discriminator) (if any):disc username Coz, id:#9390

    3. Approximate date of indefinite ban:2019 maybe march.

    4. Reason for indefinite ban. Please do not lie and try to be sincere and apologize as applicable: i used the 'force OP' command on wurst and got banned. apparently it uses telnet stuff to get its job done.
    i have and still do respect the server rules and don't intend on breaking them again.

    6. Please provide the one IP that you will be using to login to the server. If you don't know it, visit and cut and paste the result. All other IPs that you used to get indefinitely banned will remain indefinitely banned. Don't provide a VPN IP. ip4

  • No Wurst hack could accomplish something of this level. Care to explain?

    [08:40:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] hackedlol - Re-adding Cafe72 to the admin list  
    [08:40:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] RageHayes has been a VERY naughty, naughty boy.  
    [08:40:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Cafe72 - Banning: RageHayes  
    [08:40:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] RageHayes left the game.  
    [08:40:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Cafe72 - Banning: RageHayes  
    [08:40:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Cafe72 - Banning: RageHayes  
    [08:40:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Cafe72 - Banning: RageHayes  
    [08:40:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Cafe72 - Banning: RageHayes  


  • I don't think you've followed

    Also can someone enlighten me with more details on it? I know very little about telnet but I believe it's outside of the Minecraft client and therefore meaning that in order for this to happen, OPs Wurst client opened up his browser and logged in for him at one point.

    As it stands, object.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • @Cafe72#18648 so you're "99% sure" that a hack specified to BRUTEFORCE a CRACKED PLUGIN we dont even HAVE allows you to get into TELNET huh?

    with all due respect, i think you're full of shit.

    for folks who have no clue what this is: ForceOP in the wurst client is a function that allows the brute forcing of AuthMe passwords which is a verification plugin for cracked servers that require a login to authenticate to things. i dont know if you all know this but thats not the kind of verification system we've even got here


    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • I'd just like to add that although I may only speak for myself, considering how long ago this was, I would've been inclined to vouch had you actually told the truth.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • I agree with Erin. I vouch on indefinite ban appeals routinely, when people apologise and/or when a good amount of time has passed. However, I am unable to vouch when someone is not honest on their appeal.

    A good amount of time has passed. Whether you used Wurst or whether you did it yourself is immaterial to me as the rule violation is essentially the same. If you admit you did it, you may as well be honest about the circumstances or even just state that you added yourself and proceeded to do whatever you did (if this is what happened).

    After being banned for a year, it is not too difficult to be unbanned. Unless, of course, you are unwilling to be honest.

    I encourage you to consider this in the event you have to make another appeal. It will likely help.


  • Object. Don't try to excuse yourself from what you did, as you're proving you've learned nothing.

  • Quote

    @Cafe72#18488 found what the thing was, "force OP" uses the same telnet thing i was talking about.

    ForceOP is a hack that bruteforces AuthMe logins in order to login as other players on cracked servers. It is completely incapable of letting you in via telnet and allowing you to use admin-level commands.

