Opall doesn't set permissions correctly

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  • So one thing I've noticed over the past while is that a not unreasonable number of new players who want worldedit access aren't very well versed as to why they need to leave and rejoin the server in order to get it, which is fair enough since they're probably young and being told that you need to leave the server to get what you want sounds a bit unusual to younger ears.

    And at the time of writing the only way to get around this is for an admin to kick the player from the server in order to force them to relog. But the trouble is, from the perspective of a player they might take the fact that they've been kicked as that they have been punished regardless of the kick message. There's no guarantee the player will rejoin after this which obviously makes it a rather risky approach.

    So I'm proposing a simple /relog command. Admins will be able to relog other players, but the player could also be able to relog themselves. The command would quickly send the player to the hub and back to the server again.

    I know this is a suggestion for one or two very specific scenarios but I don't feel it would be difficult to implement.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • So the re join issue should already have been resolved I had hoped... Fleek I thought we had resolved this in the last tfm release?


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • We obviously need to look into the WorldEdit issue again if the permissions are indeed still broken. I'm not sure about /relog, because that command would only be useful when there is a bug, in which case we should be fixing that bug.